Another one from me, Marine biological association conference in Newcastle this May, that’s directly aimed at postgraduates and early career scientists.
Lots of great marine topics covered across a range of disciplines – see below.
Deadline for abstracts 31st march
From: Christina Skinner (PGR) <c.e.skinner@newcastle.ac.uk>
Sent: 08 March 2019 14:44
To: Ratcliffe, Norman <notc@bas.ac.uk>
Subject: Call for abstracts: Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference 2019
Dear Norman Ratcliffe,
I was wondering if you could circulate the following information to all your marine science postgraduates and any early career scientists that may be interested? Our call for abstracts is currently open and we’re hoping to recruit speakers from all over the country. We hope it will be a welcoming and diverse event for early career marine scientists to showcase their work.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
All the best,
Tina Skinner (PhD Candidate, MBA19 Committee Member)
Dear marine scientists,
Please see below an opportunity being held by and for marine science postgraduates and early career researchers at Newcastle University in May 2019.

The Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference heads North in 2019 for its 16th anniversary at Newcastle University.
Monday 6th May - Wednesday 8th May 2019 (With Sunday 5th May included for a tour of the Northumberland Coast)
Open to all marine science current postgraduates and early-career scientists (i.e. research assistants).
We are currently looking for abstracts for the following sessions:
Biotechnology and Molecular biology
Ecosystem Interactions
Global Change and Anthropogenic impacts
Marine Plastics and Pollution
Marine Megafauna
Oceans and Climate
The Marine Biological Association postgraduate conference has a reputation for providing a welcoming and open platform where postgraduates can share their marine science research. This year will be no different as the conference will deliver the same friendly and encouraging environment but with a touch of the famous Northern hospitality.
The conference will showcase current marine science postgraduate research. Networking not only within the postgraduate community but also with senior academics and leaders in the marine science industry. We aim to bring together marine scientists, stimulate discussion about ongoing research and generate ideas that may lead to future collaborations. By liaising with local businesses and industry leaders in the marine sector, we also encourage those that attend to think about future career options.
We have so much planned! Join us for trips to the seaside town of Amble for tours of the Amble Lobster Hatchery, St. Mary’s Lighthouse, and the Dove Marine Laboratory, talks from our Keynote speakers, a night of marine-themed pub quizzes, poster sessions, oral presentations, workshops, socials, and so much more!
Abstract submissions already open and will close on the 31st March!
Tickets are on sale now! https://webstore.ncl.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/faculty-of-science-agriculture-engineering/school-of-natural-and-environmental-sciences/the-marine-biological-association-16th-annual-postgraduate-conference-2019
For more information and tickets please look at our website: http://mbapg19.co.uk/
Follow the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mbaconference19
Keep up to date with us on Twitter and Instagram: @MBAconference19
With our hashtag: #MBA19
Any queries please contact us on mba2019@newcastle.ac.uk
We look forward to hearing from you,
16th MBA Postgraduate Conference Committee.
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