Dear colleagues,
We’d like to draw your attention to the following symposium to be held at the IUGG conference in Montreal this summer:
M04 - Polar Atmospheric Instrumentation
There are many ways to study and characterise the atmosphere, from the use of ground-based instrumentation and balloons to satellite observations. This symposium welcomes submissions that cover different atmospheric instrument approaches to studying the depth of the polar atmosphere: the surface, the troposphere to the ionosphere. New atmospheric instrumentation and their results, new analysis techniques or planned projects/observational research campaigns will be highlighted. Observational studies that feature polar instrumentation applications are also encouraged in this symposium.
We especially welcome early career researchers to share their work in this field.
The abstract submission deadline is 18th February.
Tracy Moffat-Griffin (UK) & Matthew Lazzara (USA)
Dr Tracy Moffat-Griffin | Deputy Science Leader, Atmosphere, Ice and Climate| British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
Email: |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221566 |
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