Hi guys,
We are still in need of someone with knowledge of atmospheric science – specifically pollution/black carbon in the Arctic, to help with the NERC Arctic map/outreach poster that is being made by the NERC Arctic Office. A great chance to contribute to something long lasting that will be published for use on cruise ships etc in the Arctic.
So if you work in this area, or know someone that does, please get in touch or forward them this email. We just need about 400 engaging, non-jargon words and some nice pictures/graphs.
Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
Email: annbel@bas.ac.uk |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221281
NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org
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From: Belcher, Anna C.
Sent: 10 October 2018 12:56
Subject: Exciting chance to contribute to Arctic map to be published for use on cruise ships etc
Hello everyone!
We have an exciting opportunity for you, coming from Henry Burgess and Nicola Munro at the UK Arctic Office.
Essentially, the BAS mapping team have a new Arctic map, and this is going to be published and will be sold/distributed, primarily to folks visiting the Arctic on cruise ships/those interested in the region. One side will have the map made by BAS, and the other will have a bunch of boxes covering different themes of things that will be interesting and will make a connection with people and what they might see on their visit to the Arctic.
Something a bit like the frozen planet one:
They are very keen for early career engagement and contribution to this, and it’s a great chance to contribute to something that will be published widely and read by the general public for many years to come.
The themes that are in still need of authors are to cover the following science topics:
· Terrestrial
· Atmosphere – pollution/black carbon
· Social
The aim is for something that will really connect people with something in the Arctic that they will likely see/come across, and great way to learn a bit more about some cool arctic science.
For each topic they want ~400 words of interesting and engaging information/facts, along with a couple of images and a couple of graphs/info graphics. The visuals are really as important as the text and need to be simple and clear and really add to what the text is saying. The main important thing is the science needs to be 100% accurate, as it will be a high profile publication that will hopefully be in circulation for a while.
Aim to pitch towards GCSE/1st year A-level, so not too technical and not full of jargon– same pitch as the frozen planet one.
Importantly it needs to be completed by end of November, to allow time for designer to put together/revisions etc
The other themes that Henry and others will work on are: UK resources and assets, Science: cryosphere, Science: Marine, plastic in the arctic, Guidelines for cruisers/visitors to arctic (from AECO), New discoveries (if anyone has any input for new arctic science discoveries please come forward with your idea, they will be using the new Greenland bedmap as one component of this) , and where to learn more.
If anyone has any other ideas about things they think would be good, please pass them on, and I can pass them onto Henry and Nicola and if they agree it could be a theme that is added.
This is a really great chance to be part of something that is more permanent than a 3 yr phd etc, and a good way to get more involved with the NERC arctic office, and also showcase the UKPN.
So please get in touch ASAP if you would like to be part of this opportunity, we need to get the slots filled soon to give people plenty of time to put something together. We will pass on to the NERC Arctic office your thoughts on something specific within one of the above topics, and get back to you with the go ahead. Also, if anyone has other contacts, e.g. people that would be particularly good at this/have made great infographics in the past, then please pass this onto them and tell them to get in touch.
Any questions, just message us at president@polarnetwrok.org.
Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
Email: annbel@bas.ac.uk |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221281
NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org
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