Dear all,
*** Please see below for an exciting opportunity for UK and Russian early career scientists ***
UK-Russia Arctic group invites applications from early career researchers (from PhD level to 10 years post-PhD) with an interest to marine stations to participate in a side-event during the Marine Research and Education Conference in Moscow, November 21-22, themed "Interdisciplinary marine research in the Arctic and Northern Atlantic Oceans". The event is in collaboration with the UK Polar Network, the Marine Research Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the UK Science & Innovation Network and NERC Arctic Office.
Workshops will be held at Moscow in the Institute of Oceanology with travel and accommodation support available. Please download the conference schedule and application form from the UK-RUSSIA website here:
The application deadline is midnight (GMT) on 17th September, 2018 (i.e. 00:00 18/9/18 GMT). Please return completed application forms to to for UK-based researchers or to for Russian-based researches with a title UK-Russian side-event.
Any additional enquiries can be addressed to the conference organising committee at
Many thanks
Joseph Cook
PDRA Black and Bloom
2016 Rolex Young Laureate
World Frontier Forum Global Pioneer
ORCID: 0000-0002-9270-363X
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