We are announcing an exciting opportunity to work as part-time scientist (50%) in the APECS International Directorate at AWI for the ARICE project! The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and funded by federal and state government. AWI focuses on polar and marine research in a variety of disciplines such as biology, oceanography, geology, geochemistry and geophysics thus allowing multidisciplinary approaches to scientific goals. The APECS International Directorate in Potsdam, Germany, invites applications for a Scientist (Arctic research) (50%) to coordinate the APECS tasks of the ARICE project. The Arctic Research Ice Breaker Consortium (ARICE) is a recently funded EU-Horizon2020 project to improve the capacities for marine-based research in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. The project includes a consortium of fifteen partners from thirteen countries and will run for four years from 2018 – 2021. The project aims to better coordinate the existing polar research fleet by offering scientists access to six research icebreakers and collaborating with the maritime industry. APECS, hosted by AWI, is a member of the consortium and is leading the work package on educating a new generation of polar researchers and professionals by creating educational materials and performing training activities. You will be a member of the APECS International Directorate Office at AWI and will be coordinating the APECS tasks of the ARICE project which include but are not limited to organising, content development, coordination and evaluation of in-person and online training courses and resources on research and soft-skills topics related to ARICE (including a summer school for early career researchers and professionals and several webinar series), participating in ARICE project meetings and contributing to other APECS activities as needed. You will support and work with a group of volunteers as part of the project tasks. The position is temporary part-time (50%) and limited until the end of 2021. It will be based in Potsdam, Germany. Application deadline is 3 April 2018. More information about the requirements and the full position description are available on the APECS website and the AWI website. |