Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Outreach opportunity- Macclesfield


I've been contacted by Victoria Rigby from STEM Learning Ltd, she has a teacher involved in the polar explorer programme who is really keen to start her polar explorer fortnight with an assembly led by someone who has experience of research or involvement in polar exploration or working. The assembly would be on the Monday 9th October. If you're able to help please contact Victoria directly, her details are below.


Victoria Rigby 
Regional Development Leader, Cheshire and Stockport SLP and North Midlands SLP.
Polar ambassador.
Triple Science Adviser.
National STEM Learning Centre and Network (including STEM Ambassadors)
STEM Learning Ltd

Mobile: +44 (0)7792620072

Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Vice President