Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Fwd: British Antarctic Survey - Cambridge Conservation Initiative workshop on "Science-Policy Challenges in Polar Conservation and Management"

Dear UKPN,

Apologies for cross-posting, but please see the link below for info on a joint British Antarctic Survey - Cambridge Conservation Initiative workshop on science-policy challenges in Cambridge.

Title: Integrating climate science into ecosystem-based management
Time/date: 9 November 2017 from 14:00-16:30
Location: British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK

Panel members will include:
- Ms Jane Rumble (Polar Regions Dept, FCO) (panel chair)
- Mr Henry Burgess (NERC Arctic Office)
- Dr Gemma Harper (Defra)
- Dr Val Kapos (UNEP-WCMC)
- Professor John Turner (British Antarctic Survey)

More info:

Registration is required, but it is free!

Many thanks,



Young Tun Jan (TJ) 

PhD Candidate
British Antarctic Survey
Scott Polar Research Institute
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
4 Lensfield Road
Cambridge, CB2 1ER

Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574

Sunday, September 24, 2017

"Who Rules the Arctic?" and "Arctic Borders"

1. "Who Rules the Arctic in the 21st Century?", lecture by Tony Penikett, former Yukon Premier, in London, 17 October, 

2. Video available of "Arctic Borders Governance" from 29 August

microbial diversity and biogeography at POLAR, Davos 2018


If you are working in microbial diversity and biogeography the session "From boots to bytes: 'omics' tools for microbial diversity and biogeography" could be of interest for you.

The session invites comparative studies using high-throughput techniques to study microbial diversity and biogeographic patterns across poles (Arctic, Antarctic and mountain regions). This may also include studies on natural and anthropogenic dispersal pathway, ecological niches as well as present and future climatic-driven habitat and diversity changes.

See you maybe there!


Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Re: SCAR conference - DAVOS 2018 - Abstract deadline 1st November


As Anna wrote, please consider submitting your abstracts to POLAR2018 - it's a once in a decade opportunity where research from both poles is presented.

And, remember, if you want to avoid paying the abstract fee, fill out this form before the end of the weekend!


On 21/09/2017 09:58, Belcher, Anna C. wrote:


Just to let the polar gang know about the SCAR conference POLAR2018 being hosted in Davos, Switzerland in June 2018. Abstract deadline in November 1st, and there's a great bunch of polar related sessions. Obviously no bias from me, but this one that I was involved in organising is clearly awesome ;

Session Title

Phytoplankton, productivity and carbon export dynamics
Session Description
The biological fixation of carbon and its export to the deep in the Polar Regions strongly influence the global carbon cycle and the drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Within the Polar Regions, the Southern Ocean accounts for 40% of uptake of anthropogenic CO2 uptake, but its
productivity is impacted by the limitation of the trace metal iron. Complex biological interactions take place in response to low iron (Fe) bioavai
 ability, modulating biodiversity and Fe chemistry. Next to primary productivity, the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean (biological carbon pump) regulates atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The degree to which this carbon is exported to the ocean
interior is strongly regulated by the interaction of many different processes including: mineral ballast effects, biogeochemical factors, and ecosystem structure. Zooplankton behavior may channel this carbon through a number of routes (vertical migration, faecal pellet production). In the Polar Regions,
determination of whether the ocean is a sink or source of CO2 is strongly dependent on the dynamics of particulate organic and inorganic carbon export. This session aims to:
1-Explores the multiple impacts that iron limitation impose on phytoplankton productivity, ecosystem functioning and biogeochemistry across the Southern Ocean.
2-Disentangle the main drivers controlling the magnitude and transfer efficiency of carbon to the mesopelagic and deep ocean in both Polar Regions.

So submit : )


Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist

British Antarctic Survey


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postdoc at UEA

Dear All,

Please see below for an exciting postdoc opportunity at the University of East Anglia (UEA). For further information, please see the link and contact Elena or Carol direct.

Best wishes,

--  Dr Sian Henley    NERC Independent Research Fellow  School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK


From: On Behalf Of E. Elena Garcia-Martin (ENV)
Sent: 20 September 2017 13:54
Subject: [Coas.all] PostDoc Offer


Dear all,

Carol Robinson and I are looking to recruit a PDRA for the NERC project “Remineralisation of organic carbon by marine bacterioplankton (REMAIN) – reducing the known unknown” to determine respiration rates of laboratory cultures of phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and zooplankton and natural plankton communities in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The project involves substantial collaboration with national and international partners, including research visits to laboratories in Germany and Spain and a 6 week open ocean field campaign.


Look for more information and how to apply in the following link:


Please forward this information to potentially interested applicants.


Best wishes,





Dr. E. Elena Garcia Martin

School of Environmental Science
University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Tel: 0044 (0) 1603 593162



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SCAR conference - DAVOS 2018 - Abstract deadline 1st November


Just to let the polar gang know about the SCAR conference POLAR2018 being hosted in Davos, Switzerland in June 2018. Abstract deadline in November 1st, and there's a great bunch of polar related sessions. Obviously no bias from me, but this one that I was involved in organising is clearly awesome ;

Session Title

Phytoplankton, productivity and carbon export dynamics
Session Description
The biological fixation of carbon and its export to the deep in the Polar Regions strongly influence the global carbon cycle and the drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Within the Polar Regions, the Southern Ocean accounts for 40% of uptake of anthropogenic CO2 uptake, but its
productivity is impacted by the limitation of the trace metal iron. Complex biological interactions take place in response to low iron (Fe) bioavai
 ability, modulating biodiversity and Fe chemistry. Next to primary productivity, the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean (biological carbon pump) regulates atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The degree to which this carbon is exported to the ocean
interior is strongly regulated by the interaction of many different processes including: mineral ballast effects, biogeochemical factors, and ecosystem structure. Zooplankton behavior may channel this carbon through a number of routes (vertical migration, faecal pellet production). In the Polar Regions,
determination of whether the ocean is a sink or source of CO2 is strongly dependent on the dynamics of particulate organic and inorganic carbon export. This session aims to:
1-Explores the multiple impacts that iron limitation impose on phytoplankton productivity, ecosystem functioning and biogeochemistry across the Southern Ocean.
2-Disentangle the main drivers controlling the magnitude and transfer efficiency of carbon to the mesopelagic and deep ocean in both Polar Regions.

So submit : )


Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist

British Antarctic Survey


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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Outreach opportunity- Macclesfield


I've been contacted by Victoria Rigby from STEM Learning Ltd, she has a teacher involved in the polar explorer programme who is really keen to start her polar explorer fortnight with an assembly led by someone who has experience of research or involvement in polar exploration or working. The assembly would be on the Monday 9th October. If you're able to help please contact Victoria directly, her details are below.


Victoria Rigby 
Regional Development Leader, Cheshire and Stockport SLP and North Midlands SLP.
Polar ambassador.
Triple Science Adviser.
National STEM Learning Centre and Network (including STEM Ambassadors)
STEM Learning Ltd

Mobile: +44 (0)7792620072

Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Vice President

Monday, September 18, 2017

FW: Franco-German Fellowship Programme on Climate, Energy and Earth System Research

Met-jobs mailing list <>

Nice fellowship opportunity with the German Academic Exchange Service.

Apologies for cross posting, as usual J



From: Met-jobs [] On Behalf Of Julia Hillmann
Sent: 18 September 2017 15:55
Subject: [Met-jobs] Franco-German Fellowship Programme on Climate, Energy and Earth System Research


Dear Met-jobs subscribers,


I would like to draw your attention to the above-mentioned fellowship programme on behalf of the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD,


Under the French initiative "Make our planet great again" Germany and France are offering a funding programme to advance sustainability research. We are inviting researchers from all over the world to cooperate with German and French partners and undertake research in the fields of climate change, energy transition and the earth system.


The funding covers the establishment of research groups in Germany. Junior researchers will receive up to 1 million euros and senior researchers up to 1.5 million euros for 4 years (combined value of contributions from the DAAD and the German host institution).


The call is open to applications from both junior and senior researchers. The French call has been closed in the meantime but the German call is still open until October 13 and can be found here:


In a first step, applicants will have to submit a Statement of Interest by filling in an online application form (Lime Survey). The closing date is 13 October 2017, 12.00 (noon) CET.


We hope this information is of interest to you and would be most thankful if you could help us to spread it further.


Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions concerning the call or if you need further information.

Thank you very much for your consideration in this matter.



Julia Hillmann



Julia Hillmann

Section Research and Studies

DAAD  - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

German Academic Exchange Service

Kennedyallee 50

D- 53175 Bonn

Tel.  + 49 228 882-439

Fax: + 49 228 882-9439




This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

UK-Russia research and cooperation event

Dear all,

Please find attached a flyer for the event "Research and cooperation in the Russian Arctic" held at BAS, Cambridge on Tuesday 5th December. The event is free to attend and travel and accommodation support is available.

The event is open to early career researchers (including PhD students), and aims to strengthen the engagement of UK based researchers in the Russian Arctic.

For more information, please contact

Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers
UK Polar Network President

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Fwd: Upcoming APECS webinar: Research Processes and Politics in the Peruvian Andes on 25 September

Wanted to share this interesting webinar coming up..:)

View this email in your browser

APECS Webinar: Research Processes and Politics in the Peruvian Andes

25 September 2017 at 23:00 GMT

Presenter: Mark Carey (Professor of History and Environmental Studies, Robert D. Clark Honors College, University of Oregon)

Registration Link

This presentation will discuss nearly two-decades of research strategies and practices for glacier-related research in the Peruvian Andes, particularly the Cordillera Blanca. This mountain range is one of the world's hardest hit by glacier-caused disasters, with more than 10,000 people dying from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) and rock-ice landslides since the 1940s. But it is also the place where Peruvian engineers and scientists have done some of the most effective mitigation work to prevent GLOFs: they have studied, monitored, partially drained, and even dammed 35 dangerous glacial lakes over time. It thus served as an ideal site for my social science research on the history of climate change adaptation and human interactions with glaciers over 75 years. Yet doing the Cordillera Blanca research was never easy. Access to information, data, and research sites was often blocked. Local authorities and experts needed to personally approve (or not) many of my research practices. Institutions sometimes rejected my proposals or thwarted my progress. Collaborations emerged slowly. In short, my studies have required what I call "research diplomacy," which involved extensive personal connections, collaborations, networking, and reciprocal interactions with a host of individuals, institutions, and stakeholders in Peru. This kind of research diplomacy is useful (and I would say essential) for researchers in any field, from glaciology and hydrology to history and human geography.

Our mailing address is:
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) International Directorate Office
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Telegrafenberg A43
Potsdam 14473

Add us to your address book

unsubscribe from the APECS mailing list    update your APECS profile 

​Best Regards,

Archana Dayal,
PhD Candidate,
Department of Geography,
University of Sheffield.
S10 2TN,

Education and Outreach Survey


APECS has a survey open at the moment to ascertain what impact
involvement in APECS' education and outreach activities has had on your
career as part of a wider effort documenting the legacy of International
Polar Year (IPY) on education, outreach and engagement.

UKPN activities count as APECS activities :)  If you have been involved
in any of the school visits, science festivals, pint of science events
etc. please help us by filling it in by 18 September.

Thank you in advance!


Friday, September 8, 2017

Advice panel on "International Collaboration"

Dear UKPN, 

As a part of the UK Arctic Sciences conference and APECS Polar Week, we are hosting a panel event on "International Collaboration". We have five panellists lined up to answer questions on the topic, all of whom have great experience in working with international projects, doing fieldwork abroad, and engaging international partners in their own work. 

All welcome. Please come along to the upstairs of the Oban Inn, Oban, on Wednesday 20th September at 18:00. This event will take place between the conference and the ceilidh, and there will be plenty of time to order food and drinks at the pub. 

Hope to see some of you there. Please follow @UKPolarNetwork for updates during the panel, and Tweet us any questions you might have during the event!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Kind regards, 
Laura Hobbs.