Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Re: Seeking UKPN rep for UK National Committee for Antarctic Science (UKNCAR)

Note: Deadline for applications is 31 May 2017!

On 17/05/2017 11:47, Ruth Vingerhagen wrote:
(Sent on behalf of Amber Leeson)    Dear UKPN members,    I am the UKPN rep on the UK National Committee for Antarctic Science (UKNCAR). This principally involves attending annual UKNCAR meetings at BAS to represent the UKPNs interests and to give an update on the previous year's activities. The UKNCAR rep is also a member of the UKPN committee.       My tenure on UKNCAR is due to come to an end in 2018, and we are looking for someone to take on the role formally from then. This person will also need to attend this year's meeting on the 15th June; I am not available to attend as it was scheduled quite late and I have already committed to be elsewhere on the date chosen.    UKNCAR promotes and co-ordinates the UK's interest in the activities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and other areas of international Antarctic scientific activity. It is a committee under the auspices of the Royal Society, the national body representing the UK's interests to the International Council for Science (ICSU).    UKNCAR is responsible for disseminating information about SCAR in the United Kingdom, including the distribution of SCAR reports and bulletins. The UKNCAR is responsible for the election and appointment of Delegates, Alternate Delegates and Standing Scientific Group representatives, and for ensuring that these UK participants represent national interests and communicate information and decisions from SCAR activities to the UK community.    If are interested in the position then please email a short motivational statement explaining why you are interested and what you can bring to the role to There is no financial support for travel to these meetings so it is best suited to someone who is either already in Cambridge or who has access to funds to pay their train fare.    This year's meeting is on 15th June at BAS, it starts at 1pm and lunch is provided. It usually goes on to about 4:30-5.    Best wishes,    Amber    ---------------------------------------------------------  Dr Amber Leeson  Lecturer in Environmental Data Science    Lancaster Environment Centre / Data Science Institute