Dear all,
The UK Polar Network and Challenger Society still have places remaining on our workshop Project management, polar sciences & outreach at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge on June 15th!
We have limited travel support available, and the deadline for applying for travel support is 30th April! If you wish to attend but don’t require travel support, the deadline is 31st May!
The event is free to attend and lunch & refreshments are provided!
Here is some of the feedback from our event in Southampton:
"Very enjoyable & useful day, fun to plan logistics"
"Great to spend time thinking about outreach, I feel this is really important but never really gets enough attention"
"An excellent workshop & I will use these skills in the future"
Please find more information and how to apply on our website
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact
Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers
UK Polar Network President