Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Opportunity for members of the UKPN

Dear all,


The UK Arctic & Antarctic Partnership (UKAAP) is a national community led initiative to provide sustained, strategic leadership in polar science that is required by the UK, with the view to enabling bigger, better, more coherent science, with more impact. The UKAAP committee members are from a large number of university and institutions around the UK and are actively involved in, and leading, polar sciences.


The UK Polar Network (UKPN), as the national committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, represents early career polar researchers within the UK. The UKPN has a seat on UKAAP to discuss the needs and issues of early career researchers within polar sciences.

The UKPN are seeking someone to represent us on the UKAAP for a two-year appointment. This will involve attending national meetings twice a year as well as being the link between the two organisations. We are currently seeking to strengthen our relationship with the UKAAP, and by having a permanent representative we believe this will be to our benefit.


The chosen candidate will also be a part of the UKPN committee and attend bi-monthly skype meetings to ensure they have a good understanding of the activities going on within the UKPN. There is limited funding for travel within the UKPN and previous attendees of UKAAP have found funding from their own institution.


If you are interested in applying for this position, please provide a statement of no more than 200 words as to why you believe you would be suitable for this role to Please also confirm to us that you are able to serve a two-year term as a member of the UKAAP.


We welcome applications until 31st March 2017, after which time we will make our decision, with the first meeting scheduled for early May 2017.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Kind regards,

Kyle Mayers
PhD Student Marine Biogeochemistry, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

UK Polar Network President