Friday, January 27, 2017

Digital Explorer - Arctic Live 2017

Hi all,

Please see below for a message from Helen Bainbridge with an exciting opportunity to do some outreach from the comfort of your office! We had some UKPN members do this last year and from the sounds of it it was a great experience. Any questions or if you're interested please get in touch with Helen directly.


Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Vice President

Begin forwarded message:

From: Helen Bainbridge <>
Subject: Digital Explorer - Arctic Live 2017
Date: 27 January 2017 at 11:45:14 GMT

Hi Sammie,
I hope you're well. 
You may remember that last year you helped me to find polar scientists for Digital Explorer's annual Arctic Live! event. Thank you again for your support, in all we reached over 15,000 students globally.
Jamie Buchanan-Dunlop is once again travelling up to the UK Arctic Research Station on Svalbard to speak to schools around the world via Skype. This time Jamie will also have a researcher from BAS to help with lessons which is wonderful.
Alongside the lessons from the Arctic we like to connect older students with polar scientists who can share their research and their experience of working in the Arctic (from the comfort of their office!).
I was wondering if you could put the shout out to any colleagues in the Polar Network who you think might be interested in taking part in Arctic Live! this March.
The Arctic Live! lesson dates this year are:
Week 1 - Tues 7th March to Fri 10th March
Week 2 – Mon 13th March to Thu 17th March
Even if the scientists can manage just a couple of lessons that would be great. All lessons are scheduled to take 30 minutes and I would need the following information as soon as possible to put on the Arctic Live website:
  • a short biography (100 words max) – I'm happy to edit this from an existing long form version.
  • photo (preferably with the 'polar' look!)
  • the dates/time range available to take a Skype lesson (i.e. Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am–11 am - one lesson each morning)
  • your Skype ID
I very much look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,

Helen Bainbridge
Project Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 7531 920 351

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