Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Re: Funded PhD studentship on Snow-albedo climate feedbacks in boreal forests

Dear UKPN,
A competitive, fully-funded PhD studentship is currently being advertised on Snow-albedo climate feedbacks in boreal forests, at Northumbria University, UK.
Application deadline is 20 January 2017 (PhD start date is 2 October 2017). Full details and online application form can be found via: https://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=81590
This is an exciting opportunity for students interested in climate modelling and geospatial analysis. We are looking for applicants to have a strong scientific background in either geophysics, atmospheric sciences, physical geography or oceanography. It is desirable that applicants have strong numerical skills, including computer programming and data manipulation, although full training will be provided throughout the studentship to develop relevant skills. Depending on the interests of the candidate, opportunities to participate in fieldwork will be made possible to enhance the process-based understanding of energy and snow fluxes in forests.
Any enquiries, please email me at nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk
Dr Nick Rutter
Department of Geography
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4735
e-mail: nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk