Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fwd: Shackleton Centenary Service in Westminster Abbey Friday 20th May 2016

Begin forwarded message:

From: Guy Doza <>
Subject: Shackleton Centenary Service in Westminster Abbey Friday 20th May 2016
Date: 31 March 2016 at 14:44:20 BST

I am writing to let you know that tickets for the Shackleton Centenary service are now available to the general public – so feel free to promote it however you like.
The event is taking place in Westminster Abbey on Friday 20th May at 12:00 and people can register for tickets by following this link:
Let me know if you have any questions.  
Yours sincerely,
Guy Doza
Membership and Engagement Assistant
UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
High Cross|Madingley Road|Cambridge|CB3 0ET|UK
+44 1223 464660|+44 1223 355049|+44 7879 552600
Working to conserve Antarctic buildings and artefacts, and to promote and encourage public interest in Antarctic heritage.
Charity registered in the UK no. 1160847