Saturday, May 2, 2015

Deadline 04 May - UKPN IGS EC Support

Hi all,

As you all remember, we have decided to provide £500 to IGS for EC Support and it's time to choose who gets our support. I've collated the basic information for the 31 applicants, 22 of which are eligible (the 9 that were ineligible either graduated before 2012 or didn't provide all the required info). 

Yes, £500 isn't going to cover nearly enough, but we are working on obtaining sponsorships from corporations that would like to advertise at the event to get more ECS funding. 

I realise this is a little short on notice, but please let me know what criteria we should base our selection on. I've considered looking at each member's past involvement with APECS/UKPN but this would result in us giving money to our 2 past presidents (i've removed names so you can't tell which ID they are). 

My best options at the moment are: 
- First come first serve
- Lowest (or highest) requested funding
- Highest number of publications 
- Best written motivation letters

(I have access to some more info that I haven't collated). 

Deadline to give LOC names is 5th May, so if you have any opinions, please let me know by 4th May!

Thanks all!