Dear UKPN biologists,
This may be interesting and of use, especially for those funded by NERC.
Happy summer!
From: Thompson, Chris [mailto:christopher.thompson@CONTED.OX.AC.UK]
Sent: 22 July 2014 14:47
Subject: New NERC Funded Training Workshops in Environmental Sciences at the University of Oxford
Dear colleagues,
Last year information was circulated regarding skills training workshops funded by the Natural Environment Research Council at the University of Oxford.
We are pleased to announce that following the success of the programme, the University has been awarded further funding to continue to deliver and build upon skills training at doctoral level in the environmental sciences and management. I would be grateful if you would circulate this information to doctoral students and colleagues for whom it will be of interest – please bear in mind that these workshops were very popular last year and spaces are likely to go very quickly!
Attendance at each workshop is offered to eligible UK-based delegates at no cost, including full-board and accommodation in Oxford. A limited travel allowance within the UK is also available.
The following workshops are available during early 2015:
Introduction to Multivariate Ecological Statistics: Exploring Tools for Ecologists
Mon 12 Jan to Thu 15 Jan 2015
Field Techniques for Surveying Freshwater Macroorganisms and Their Habitats: Integrating Field Surveys, Taxonomic Skills, and Hydrochemistry
Mon 16 Mar to Fri 20 Mar 2015
Introduction to Data Visualisation
Mon 9 Feb to Thu 12 Feb 2015
Insect Taxonomy and Field Sampling Skills
Mon 23 Mar to Fri 27 Mar 2015
Priority booking will be given to NERC-funded doctoral students (50% or greater); if there are any spaces left after the priority booking deadline of 30 October 2014 these will be made available to other doctoral students, professionals and ECRs in the environmental sciences on a first come first served basis.
For more information on how to register interest, and what supporting documentation you will need to provide, please visit the links above or contact us on and +44 (0)1865 286952. You can also follow us on Twitter@ox_environment for the latest updates from the University of Oxford Environment and Sustainability Programme.
Kind regards,
Chris Thompson
Administrative Officer (Environment & Sustainability)
Continuing Professional Development Centre
Department for Continuing Education
University of Oxford
Tel: +44 (0)1865 286952
Fax: +44 (0)1865 286934

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