Tuesday, August 26, 2014

AGU Elections

Hi everyone,

If you are an AGU member don't forget to vote in the elections before 17th September. There are two previous UKPN committee members on the ballot for your consideration: 

Allen Pope is running for AGU board of directors, and Aisling Dolan is running for one of the early career positions on the Council. 


All the best,
Ella Darlington
UK Polar Network

Friday, August 15, 2014

Second Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Science Workshop ‘Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic System: towards future research priorities’

Does you research link have links to the Arctic and you want to influence future international research directions? If yes, then please consider submitting an abstract to this workshop!

 DEADLINE: Registration open and Call for Abstracts until August 31

Second Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Science Workshop 'Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic System: towards future research priorities'
21-24 October 2014
Brest, France

Deadline extended: Abstract submission and registration due by 31 August 2014 

Registration and Call for Abstracts for the Second Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Science Workshop 'Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic System: towards future research priorities' (ISTAS) under:
The second international ART science workshop (http://istas.sciencesconf.org/) about "Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic System: towards future research priorities" (ISTAS) aims at discussing the integration of spatial and temporal scales to better understand the changing Arctic system as a whole, by including various Arctic research fields such as physical oceanography, sea-ice, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems functioning, marine biodiversity, land-ocean interactions, ocean-atmosphere exchanges and ocean acidification, paleo-reconstruction and biological archives, and social sciences. During the workshop, in parallel sessions and discussion groups future Arctic research priorities from an early career perspective will be elaborated. Results of this workshop will feed into the larger ICARP III (3rd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning) meeting in Toyama, Japan in April 2015 (http://icarp.arcticportal.org/).
This international workshop is open to any scientist who share a common interest in improving our understanding of ongoing and past changes in the Arctic and developing dialogues on interdisciplinary Arctic research approaches and future directions. 
The workshop is jointly organized by the Arctic in Rapid Transition initiative (ART, http://www.iarc.uaf.edu/ART), an official IASC network (http://www.iasc.info), the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS, www.apecs.is), and the European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM, France, http://www-iuem.univ-brest.fr).
The Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Initiative http://www.iarc.uaf.edu/en/ART is an integrative, international, interdisciplinary, Pan-arctic network to study the spatial and temporal changes of the Arctic Ocean. In order to better understand and forecast the impact of recent changes on the Arctic, ecosystems and biogeochemical features, variations in sea ice cover, ocean circulation and associated physical drivers are investigated over multiple timescales.
Limited funding will be available for early career scientists. More information on the preliminary agenda, venue, and preliminary list of invited speakers can be found on our webpage http://istas.sciencesconf.org/. For questions you may contact istasworkshop@gmail.com.
Abstract submission and registration are open under
Please register and submit your abstract by August 31.

Fwd: New NERC Funded Training Workshops in Environmental Sciences at the University of Oxford

Dear UKPN biologists,

This may be interesting and of use, especially for those funded by NERC. 

Happy summer!



From: Thompson, Chris [mailto:christopher.thompson@CONTED.OX.AC.UK
Sent: 22 July 2014 14:47
Subject: New NERC Funded Training Workshops in Environmental Sciences at the University of Oxford
Dear colleagues,
Last year information was circulated regarding skills training workshops funded by the Natural Environment Research Council at the University of Oxford.
We are pleased to announce that following the success of the programme, the University has been awarded further funding to continue to deliver and build upon skills training at doctoral level in the environmental sciences and management.  I would be grateful if you would circulate this information to doctoral students and colleagues for whom it will be of interest – please bear in mind that these workshops were very popular last year and spaces are likely to go very quickly!
Attendance at each workshop is offered to eligible UK-based delegates at no cost, including full-board and accommodation in Oxford.  A limited travel allowance within the UK is also available.
The following workshops are available during early 2015:
Introduction to Multivariate Ecological Statistics: Exploring Tools for Ecologists
Mon 12 Jan to Thu 15 Jan 2015
Field Techniques for Surveying Freshwater Macroorganisms and Their Habitats: Integrating Field Surveys, Taxonomic Skills, and Hydrochemistry
Mon 16 Mar to Fri 20 Mar 2015
Introduction to Data Visualisation
Mon 9 Feb to Thu 12 Feb 2015
Insect Taxonomy and Field Sampling Skills
Mon 23 Mar to Fri 27 Mar 2015
Priority booking will be given to NERC-funded doctoral students (50% or greater); if there are any spaces left after the priority booking deadline of 30 October 2014 these will be made available to other doctoral students, professionals and ECRs in the environmental sciences on a first come first served basis.
For more information on how to register interest, and what supporting documentation you will need to provide, please visit the links above or contact us on envman@conted.ox.ac.uk and +44 (0)1865 286952.  You can also follow us on Twitter@ox_environment for the latest updates from the University of Oxford Environment and Sustainability Programme.
Kind regards,
Chris Thompson
Administrative Officer (Environment & Sustainability)
Continuing Professional Development Centre
Department for Continuing Education
University of Oxford
Tel: +44 (0)1865 286952
Fax: +44 (0)1865 286934


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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Volunteers Required: Public Engagement @Dundee (Travel/accomodation funding available)

Dear UKPN, 

We've recently been successful in a funding application in partnership with the International Polar Foundation to run a series of public engagement events around the UK. The first one will be in Dundee on 27-29th September 2014, at the Dundee Science Centre (as part of their Ice Station Antarctica exhibition). 

We're looking for a few volunteers to come along over the long weekend to help us out in the following areas:
  • Running the Class Zero Emissions (CZE) workshops (think hands on science experiments)
  • Displays on the changes in Antarctica over the last 100 years
  • The Shackleton expedition 
  • Short discussions/presentations on your research
  • General interaction with the public/schools
The Saturday and Sunday will be open to the general public - with a few sessions set aside for adult groups, and the Monday will be booked out by four groups of 15 primary children, each spending an hour in the CZE workshop, and an hour looking around our displays/kit/MASSIVE Polar-puzzles. 

We'd love to have some UKPN-ers come along to be a part of this, and it's an unbeatable opportunity to get some public engagement experience - working with the IPF is absolutely fantastic. We have some funding to cover travel and accommodation, making this a great event to participate in. 

The sessions that you're involved in are very much down to you - so don't worry if you have no experience in science communication and don't want to stand up in front of big groups (but if you do, this is a great time to practice!).

Please reply with any questions or to register interest!

Laura Hobbs. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

School visit request: Surrey

Dear UKPN, 

We've had an email from a primary school teacher in St. Cuthberts, Surrey (Year 3, 7-8 years) who would like someone to visit them and talk to the classes about the Polar Regions in November.

If you would be interested in doing this, please get in touch by replying to this email. I'd be happy to offer help or advice to anyone who is interested but who doesn't have much experience with working in schools. 

Please do contact me if you have any questions, 


TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
President, UK Polar Network

Email: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

Sunday, August 10, 2014

SUMMER SCHOOL: Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society

Dear UKPN,

See below for a workshop regarding resilience to climate change in the Arctic Region--deadline 15 August.



The Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society (ACCESS) and Arctic Resilience Report (ARR) Summer course
September 22-26, 2014. Stockholm, Sweden.
We cordially invite applications for the ACCESS and ARR summer course organized jointly by the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (ACCESS partner) and the Stockholm Resilience Centre (ARR partner), and hosted at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The summer course is open for about 20 participants from natural and social sciences including economics, and is intended for graduate level and above. Its aim is to provide the students with an opportunity to learn about different aspects of Arctic resilience with focus on Arctic climate change, as well as changes in the economic sectors of shipping, tourism, fisheries, oil and gas exploitation, and governance. Experts will give insights into recent developments and present their view on the opportunities and risks connected to the changes in the climate system and associated impacts in the economic sectors.
The general structure and content of the course will include 10-11 lectures in total, covering the following topics:
·         Four lectures offering an overview of the topics and highlights of results from each of the first four work-packages on theACCESS project:
1.  The Arctic environment in the context of climate change, 
providing a context to the effects on key economic sectors:
2. Marine transportation
3. Fisheries and aquaculture
4. Oil and gas extraction
·         Followed by two or three lectures on tools and integrative approaches used in ACCESS, including:
5. Marine spatial planning, and
6. Ecosystem services identification
·         Four lectures from the Arctic Resilience Report, focusing on:
7. Resilience Assessment
8. Multiple perspectives on the Arctic's future
9. Ecological regime shifts in the Arctic
10. Case study comparison
Lectures will be followed by group work on selected case studies, with participation of some of the lecturers. At the end of the course, the students will have the opportunity to present and discuss the results of this work with a group of experts from ACCESS and ARR, and publish them in the ACCESS Newsletter.
There will be no fee for participation in the summer course. Costs for meals, accommodation and transport will have to be covered on the students. Additional information on the course as well as suggestions for accommodation and transport will be updated regularly and sent to the participants.
Please send your application to Daniel Ospina (course assistant, daniel.ospina@su.se), stating your name, current studies program, and a brief statement of motivation for participating in this course. Applications will be open until on August 15th, but we encourage those interested to apply as early as possible given the limited slots.
Related websites:
www.access-eu.org    www.arctic-council.org/arr/
www.beijer.kva.se    www.stockholmresilience.org

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