Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fwd: A very exciting course on Arctic Glacial History at UNIS this fall!

Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for details regarding an Arctic Glacial History course at UNIS (Svalbard) this September/October. 

Applications close April 15th, please direct any questions to the course organisers. 


Begin forwarded message:

Subject: A very exiting course on Arctic Glacial History at UNIS this fall!

Dear friends and collegues
Please receive the preliminary course schedule for AG326/826 at UNIS this coming fall! Could you please share this flyer with friends and co-workers through your networks! I feel we have a very exiting course schedule this year, and will be able to give the students a chance to participate in a course with state-of-the-art overview of Arctic glacial and climate history! The deadline for applications is 15th of April.
Best regards,
Olafur Ingolfsson
professor, UNIS and University of Iceland

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