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Hello UKPN,
With apologies for cross-posting!
Not only an interesting topic, but also note the potential to get (up to) 500 EUR support for your travel expenses!
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 08 January 2014 10:02
Subject: [CRYOLIST] Workshop: Liquid water in snow - Measurement techniques and modeling approaches; 2 - 4 April 2014 in Davos, Switzerland
Dear all,
we want to remind you of the
Workshop: Liquid water in snow - Measurement techniques and modeling approaches
Date and location
2 - 4 April 2014 in Davos, Switzerland
We extended the deadline for notification, i.e if you wish to participate, please send an e-mail to mitterer(at) no later than 31 January 2014. In case you would like to present your work, please submit an abstract to mitterer(at) no later than 31 January 2014.The workshop will be organized as informal meeting; conference fees will be kept low (<US $100).
In addition, we are happy to announce that we can support 3 young scientists with € 500 for travelling expanses. If you want to apply for the funding, please submit your abstract including your CV to mitterer(at) no later than 31 January 2014.
Aims and Scope
· Compare different measurement techniques and their accuracy
· Discuss on current assumptions to model liquid water transport and storage in snow
· Gather ideas to obtain good validation and verification data
The workshop is dedicated to both snow hydrologists and researchers dealing with avalanche formation, as well as scientists from the remote sensing and glaciology communities aiming at retrieving snow water equivalents. The workshop will last 2 full days and is organized by SLF Davos and IUP Heidelberg. We expect the number of attendees to be rather small (30-50 people) so that there will be ample room for exchange and discussions. The goal is to gather specialists from renowned research institutions worldwide. The first day will be dedicated to measuring techniques whereas on the second the focus will be on modeling approaches. We plan to open both workshop days with a keynote lecture.
Furthermore, we plan to organize an optional field trip to our field test site at Weissfluhjoch the day after the workshop with the aim of providing hands-on field experience on the different measurements techniques.
Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. Olaf Eisen, Dr. Jürg Schweizer, Dr. Christoph Mitterer, Dr. Achim Heilig
IUP Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany
WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Switzerland
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