Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jisc Software Usage Survey


This came through the Software Sustainability Institute (sponsoring a workshop in September), and I thought might be relevant to many UKPN members.


SUBJECT: Jisc Software Usage Survey

Jisc would like to invite you to take part in a survey on how you discover and use software in a work-related context. Findings from this survey will help us to better understand problems that the higher and further education sectors face in this area and what Jisc and its partner organisations might do to help.

In particular we would like to understand how you search for new software, what criteria are important for you to decide whether software appears to be relevant and trustworthy enough to trial and what common problems you encounter in using software. This survey is aimed both at individual users of software (such as researchers, teaching staff. archivists or students) and those who may procure software or advise others (IT support, management). Our focus is on the UK but we are also interested in hearing from international colleagues. The survey has been developed in partnership with OSS Watch and the Software Sustainability Institute.

Survey results wont be made attributable to individuals or institutions, and all information will be anonymised for analysis purposes.This survey will remain open until 7th July (17:00 BST) at


If you have any question about the survey please contact Torsten Reimer at t.reimer@jisc.ac.uk

We would like to thank you for your interest in the survey - we do really value your feedback. Thank you,