Friday, May 24, 2013

Last call for volunteers: Event at Think Tank Birmingham 30th May- 1st June

Hi Everyone,

A reminder that UKPN is helping the International Polar Foundation to run "Class Zero Emission" workshops at the Think Tank Science Centre in Birmingham in May half term (30th May to 1st June): 

All training for the workshops (see  will be provided. We would also like to hold something like a "Meet the Scientist" each day, depending on who is able to come along. Thinktank opens at 10am and the sessions will run from 11am through until 4pm each day. 

The space set for these workshops is right in the middle of the science centre, next to a brand new Ardmann animations exhibition of the "Pirates In an Adventure with Scientists" film. So it should be pretty busy! 

If you are available to volunteer on any of the 3 days (you do not have to commit to all 3!) please contact either myself: or Liz Pasteur:

Many Thanks

Jennifer King

UKPN volunteer