Tuesday, May 28, 2013

3 PhD positions at the Centre for Climate Dynamics/Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen

Hi all,


Some PhD projects in Norway which might be of interest to some of the Masters Students on the list.  The final project has the closest Polar link.





From: Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu [mailto:kerim@bjerknes.uib.no]
Sent: 28 May 2013 09:22
Cc: Beatriz Balino; Kerim Hestnes Hestnes Nisancioglu
Subject: [PMIPn news] 3 PhD positions at the Centre for Climate Dynamics/Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen


Three Research fellow (PhD candidate) positions at the Centre for Climate Dynamics

---> Deadline June 9. 


To apply go to: http://www.jobbnorge.no/job.aspx?jobid=93837

The Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD) http://skd.bccr.no/ – conducts research for the understanding the dynamics of climate, modelling climate changes, and reliable predictions of future climate changes, regionally and globally. SKD is part of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research http://www.bjerknes.uib.no/ an umbrella organization that gathers the largest climate change research environment in Norway. The partners of BCCR/SKD are the University of Bergen, Uni Research AS, Institute of Marine Research and the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre.

The research fellow positions are announced in the following three topics:

1.  Large scale oceanography with focus on the role of the Nordic Seas on the climate and based on dynamical and statistical analyses of observations and model simulations.
2.  Marine biogeochemistry, with emphasis on large scale distribution of inorganic matter and their stable isotopes in the ocean based on analyses of observations.
3.  Climate dynamics and palaeoclimate, with focus on understanding the physical mechanisms behind rapid climate changes (Dansaag-Oeschger events) during the last glaciation.

The appointees will be formally employed at one of the departments of the Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Bergen (either the Geophysical Institute or the Department of Earth Science) , while the working place and all research duties and assignments will be associated with the SKD. Candidates must have achieved a relevant master’s degree or have equivalent education in physical oceanography, meteorology, earth sciences, biogeochemistry, physics or mathematics, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.

Further information about the positions can be obtained from:

Topic (1): Associate professor Tor Eldevik (tor.eldevik@gfi.uib.no)

Topic (2): Associate professor Are Olsen (are.olsen@gfi.uib.no)

Topic (3): Associate professor Kerim Nisancioglu (kerim@geo.uib.no)

The application must specify which position is being applied for and include a brief statement of research experience and intended research goals within the scope of the PhD topic. The applicant must include a CV, certificates and diplomas/transcripts, the Master´s thesis (or supervisor confirmation of submitted thesis) as well as the names and contact details of two academic referees.

Kerim H Nisancioglu | kerim@uib.no | http://folk.uib.no/gbskn
Phone: +47 55 58 98 66 | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Associate Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences | UiB
University of Bergen | Allegaten 70 | NO-5007 Bergen | Norway


Monday, May 27, 2013

School visit (Durham): Open to ALL

Dear UKPN,

We have had a request from a secondary teacher in Durham who would like a Polar scientist to visit their school to present to a group of 11-16 year olds later in the year (around September).

We would love to involve more people in our outreach work, so if you're in the area and have ever considered doing some work with schools, then take this opportunity!

The UKPN can offer you any help or advice that you may need, and your expenses will be covered.

Thanks, and please just contact me if you have any questions.

Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association of Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Friday, May 24, 2013

Last call for volunteers: Event at Think Tank Birmingham 30th May- 1st June

Hi Everyone,

A reminder that UKPN is helping the International Polar Foundation to run "Class Zero Emission" workshops at the Think Tank Science Centre in Birmingham in May half term (30th May to 1st June): 

All training for the workshops (see http://www.educapoles.org/projects/project_detail/)  will be provided. We would also like to hold something like a "Meet the Scientist" each day, depending on who is able to come along. Thinktank opens at 10am and the sessions will run from 11am through until 4pm each day. 

The space set for these workshops is right in the middle of the science centre, next to a brand new Ardmann animations exhibition of the "Pirates In an Adventure with Scientists" film. So it should be pretty busy! 

If you are available to volunteer on any of the 3 days (you do not have to commit to all 3!) please contact either myself: arctic_jen@yahoo.co.uk or Liz Pasteur: liz.pasteur@polarfoundation.org

Many Thanks

Jennifer King

UKPN volunteer

FW: Software & Polar Research Workshop (SPRI 17th Sept 2013) - Your opinions please...

Hi everyone,


Just to let you know that today is your last chance to fill in the survey regarding what you would like at the upcoming UKPN Software and Polar Research workshop.  The workshop will be running at SPRI on Tuesday 17th September, directly preceding the NERC Arctic Science Conference.


The link to the survey is below, so please register your interest today - it will only take a few minutes!





UKPN Software Workshop Team


From: Aisling Dolan
Sent: 15 May 2013 16:48
Subject: Software & Polar Research Workshop (SPRI 17th Sept 2013) - Your opinions please...


Dear UKPN,


Are you a polar researcher who uses computer software as part of your everyday research? Do you dabble in making plots in MATLAB or are you are you digitising the world in ArcGIS? If so, this workshop is for you!


The UK Polar Network is running a Software & Polar Research Workshop at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge: Tuesday 17th September 2013, which precedes the NERC Arctic Science Conference.  We are currently in the planning stages and would really value your input as to what you would like to see at such a workshop.  If you are interested, please fill out the online survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/M8P779V).  It will only take a few minutes of your time, but this is your chance to tell us what will be most useful to you! The survey will be open until Friday 24th May.



UKPN Software and Polar Research Team


TJ Young

Nick Toberg

Joe Todd

Anna Maria Trofaier

Johnny Ryan

Jen King

Laura Hobbs

Allen Pope

Aisling Dolan





Dr. Aisling M. Dolan

ERC Research Fellow


School of Earth & Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT



Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Email: A.M.Dolan@leeds.ac.uk

Homepage: http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earado/


UK Polar Network: http://www.polarnetwork.org/new/

Palaeo@leeds: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/essi/palaeoleeds/





Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Software & Polar Research Workshop (SPRI 17th Sept 2013) - Your opinions please...

Dear UKPN,


Are you a polar researcher who uses computer software as part of your everyday research? Do you dabble in making plots in MATLAB or are you are you digitising the world in ArcGIS? If so, this workshop is for you!


The UK Polar Network is running a Software & Polar Research Workshop at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge: Tuesday 17th September 2013, which precedes the NERC Arctic Science Conference.  We are currently in the planning stages and would really value your input as to what you would like to see at such a workshop.  If you are interested, please fill out the online survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/M8P779V).  It will only take a few minutes of your time, but this is your chance to tell us what will be most useful to you! The survey will be open until Friday 24th May.



UKPN Software and Polar Research Team


TJ Young

Nick Toberg

Joe Todd

Anna Maria Trofaier

Johnny Ryan

Jen King

Laura Hobbs

Allen Pope

Aisling Dolan





Dr. Aisling M. Dolan

ERC Research Fellow


School of Earth & Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT



Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Email: A.M.Dolan@leeds.ac.uk

Homepage: http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earado/


UK Polar Network: http://www.polarnetwork.org/new/

Palaeo@leeds: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/essi/palaeoleeds/





Friday, May 3, 2013

Job Vacancy: Outreach Coordinator

Dear UKPN,

Please see attached information regarding a job vacancy at Education through Expeditions.

Applications close 15th May.

Please forward and questions and/or applications to Laura Jack (info@etehome.org)

Laura Hobbs

-PhD Student, Scottish Association of Marine Science-
-President, UK Polar Network-

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

FW: [CLIMLIST] Announcement: PhD scholarships in Antarctic Climate Research at the University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

For those interested in a PhD further afield :-

PhD scholarships in Antarctic Climate Research (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

PhD scholarships on offer for Antarctic climate research projects in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

We currently have a number of atmospheric science research projects relevant to Antarctic climate available for qualified graduate students.
These projects focus on understanding how greenhouse gases have impacted Antarctic climate, identifying changes in atmospheric circulation patterns in the Ross Sea and examining the role of atmospheric forcing on the formation of sea ice.

The projects on offer are international in nature with close links to researchers in the United States and Australia. These projects are highly likely to involve fieldwork in Antarctica..

More information on the department can be found at <http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz>

Successful applicants will be offered a PhD scholarship from the Department and will be supported in their application for a more prestigious PhD scholarship from the University of Canterbury.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to view the admission requirements for postgraduate study at the University of Canterbury, which can be found at


Enquiries and applications should be made electronically to Dr Adrian McDonald (<adrian.mcdonald@canterbury.ac.nz>)

Applicants for the Scholarships should send a full CV including a full University transcript listing grades and classes awarded for their degree. Candidates with English as a second language should also provide evidence that you meet the English language requirements for admission to the University of Canterbury.
<http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/admissions/international/english.shtml toefl>

The closing date for applications is 30th May 2013

A brief description about living in Christchurch can be found at:


Dr. Adrian McDonald
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Phone: +64 (3) 364 2281
Fax: +64 (3) 364 2469


SEND POSTS TO: climlist@wku.edu

CLIMLIST HOMEPAGE: http://climlist.wku.edu/

This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Research Associate in Geophysical Modelling: Modelling the long-term evolution of glaciated passive margins.

Research Associate in Geophysical Modelling: Modelling the long-term evolution of glaciated passive margins.

Supervised by Mike Bentley, Pippa Whitehouse and Antony Long (Durham); Karin Andreassen (Tromso); Berit Hjelstuen and Haflidi Haflidason (Bergen).

Objective: Our aim in this project is to bring together state-of-the-art models of (i) the long-term geophysical evolution of passive margins and (ii) glacial-isostatic adjustment of glaciated regions, such that we can better simulate the evolution of glaciated passive margins.

Research methodology: We will use the Barents Sea and the mid-Norwegian margins as a test-bed for this work because we have good geophysical constraints on the lithosphere; good sediment thickness (and age) data from industry; and good constraints on the long-term glacial history. It is also an area where the role of ice loading and erosion/sediment redistribution may have important implications for changes in (tilting of) reservoir geometry, fluid flow and traps. Durham has expertise in applying GIA models to a range of areas of the globe, whilst Tromso has good links with industry partners and is experienced in the use of geophysical models and sediment data on the shelf. Once developed and validated against the data-rich Barents Sea and Norwegian margins this model can be applied to other glaciated margins elsewhere.

Closing date: 14th May 2013

Application via University of Durham jobs website: www.dur.ac.uk/jobs  (Post Reference  is 2463)

Further details:

A Research Associate position is available in the Department of Geography, Durham University, within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLANAM (Glaciated North Atlantic Margins). The GLANAM network involves a co-ordinated research project between seven academic partners with complementary expertise in glacial and marine geology, geophysics, and modelling: Durham University, University of Bergen, University of Tromso, Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), University of Ulster, Denmark and Greenland Geological Survey, and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). There is one full industrial partner, North Energy and two associate industrial partners involved in training activities, Statoil and Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research.

The network will employ 15 researchers who will each have an individual research project based at one of the full partners, but involving secondments or shorter visits to other partners in GLANAM. The 15 projects are focussed on various aspects of Glaciation of the North Atlantic margins. There is also an extensive programme of training in scientific, field, technical and transferrable skills.

The Research Associate post in Geophysical Modelling is for a fixed term of up to 2 years with a preferred starting date of 1 October 2013. The post will be based in Durham University but involve two secondments of 1-3 months to University of Tromso and Statoil in Norway.

There are no nationality restrictions but the post is subject to a residency requirement: At the recruitment date the candidate may not have been resident or carried out his/her main activity in the UK for more than 12 months in the previous 36 months. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.


The candidate must be (at the time of recruitment):

i) in possession of a doctoral degree, or

ii) have at least four years and less than five years of full-time equivalent research experience.

The Research Associate will be a full employee of Durham University. The salary will be the Sterling equivalent of approximately €60540 p.a. There is also a mobility allowance available, ranging from the sterling equivalent of €870 to €1243 per month, with the precise amount depending on personal circumstances.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in the University

Informal enquiries about the post would be welcomed:


Professor Mike Bentley (m.j.bentley@durham.ac.uk) +44-191-334-1859.

Professor Colm O'Cofaigh (colm.ocofaigh@durham.ac.uk) +44-191-334-1890

Professor Mike Bentley

Department of Geography

Durham University

South Rd





e: m.j.bentley@durham.ac.uk

t: +44-(0)191-334-1859/1800

f: +44-(0)191-334-1801

w: http://www.dur.ac.uk/geography/staff/geogstaffhidden/?id=329

Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network