Wednesday, March 20, 2013

UK Arctic Science Conference 18-20 September 2013

Dear UKPN members,
We would like to announce that the 3rd UK Arctic Science conference will 
take place from Wednesday 18th September to Friday 20th September 2013. 
The Scott Polar Research Institute is hosting this conference, with 
financial and administrative support from the NERC Arctic Office.
This three-day conference aims to bring together UK Arctic scientists of 
all natural science disciplines to present and discuss recent findings. 
We welcome presentations on all aspects of Arctic research in the 
physical and social sciences, including atmosphere, biology, ecology, 
geology, marine and terrestrial cryosphere, modern climate and 
palaeo-climate, oceans; their various interactions; observations and 
modelling; relevant engineering research and development; and cultural, 
social, economic and political issues.
Please see the conference webpage for more information and to register 
for the meeting (after 2nd April 2013):
Date: Wednesday 18 September - Friday 20 September 2013
The conference will commence at lunchtime on the 18th and conclude at 
lunchtime on the 20th.
Venue: Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), University of Cambridge, 
Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ER.
Registration and abstract submission opens: Tuesday 2nd April 2013
Registration and abstract submission closes: Monday 1st July 2013
Best wishes,
Steven Palmer, SPRI - Conference Organiser
Nicola Munro, NERC Arctic Office - Conference Administrator
Dr Steven Palmer
Scott Polar Research Institute
University of Cambridge