Thursday, March 28, 2013

News from the SCAR Secretariat

Dear UKPN members,

Please see below the latest news from SCAR's (Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research) Executive Director, Dr. Mike Sparrow.

There is a lot of information regarding SCAR newsletters, workshops and funding opportunities. Please also see:

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----

On 28/03/2013 11:09, "Michael Sparrow" <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

As I'm sure you are aware SCAR has several avenues we use to keep people informed of science and other highlights. A good example is the latest Newsletter (, which I urge you to take a look at (there has been some fascinating science advances over the last three months!). However, I would also like to start sending you, as SCAR Delegates, short quarterly updates on activities that I believe will be of particular interest.

>- Planning for the 1st SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science
>Horizon Scan is progressing rapidly. Over the next month or so you will
>be asked for your views on the top science questions in Antarctica and
>the Southern Ocean and to consider making nominations for attendees to
>the Scan (to be held in New Zealand in April 2014). This will all be
>done on-line. For more details see the related article in the SCAR
>Newsletter or see
>- All five new SCAR SRPs are moving ahead and will report on progress
>with implementation and membership of their steering committees at the
>upcoming EXCOM meeting this July
>- A major update the SCAR Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment
>(ACCE) Report will be published this April in Polar Record (see
>- A update on the SCAR/SCOR Southern Ocean Observing System is
>available from
>Advice to Policy Makers
>- Preparations for the Treaty Meetings in Belgium are well in advance.
>SCAR will be submitting papers on Subglacial Exploration, Ocean
>Acidification, the ACCE Update, the Antarctic Environments Portal, the
>Strategy for Antarctic Conservation in the 21st Century, the Southern
>Ocean Observing System,, and the SCAR Science Horizon
>Scanning Activity.
>As you will remember efficient use of SCAR financial resources was a
>key discussion point of the last Delegates' Meeting. Key to this was
>the continuation of the SCAR Development Council and finding additional
>sources of external funds to support SCAR activities. Highlights to
>- Three proposals submitted to the Tinker Foundation on: (1) The SCAR
>Science Horizon Scan for ~ US$235k; (2) Renewal of the Martha T Muse
>Prize for ~ US$303k and (3) The Martha T Muse Colloquium for ~US$74k
>- Two proposals submitted to ICSU, one of which ³Identifying Ecosystem
>Essential Ocean Variables for measuring changes in marine ecosystems²
>(related to the SOOS) was funded for 30,000 Euros. This was a joint
>SCOR/SCAR proposal.
>- A proposal to MFA Norway for SCAR to engage more with the UNFCCC (a
>request from the Treaty Parties) for ~US$8k
>- An agreement made with the Geological Society of London to publish
>certain SCAR Geoscience volumes - £1,000 per volume paid to SCAR (three
>volumes so far agreed).
>- Professor Pete Convey (UK) has agreed to chair the SCAR Development
>Council. Both the SCAR President, Executive Officer and I have met with
>Pete to discuss the way forward and this will be actively pursued over
>the next few months. I'm sure Pete will be asking some of you to assist
>him with this important effort.
>Capacity Building and Prizes
>- The SCAR/COMNAP Fellowships are now open
>( Deadline for
>Nominations: 4 June 2013
>- The 2013 Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica
>Nominations are open. Deadline for Nominations: 23 May 2013
>- The Visiting Professor Scheme will be launched in the next few weeks:
>Watch this space!
>Other Matters
>- The webpage for the SCAR Executive Committee Meeting, which will be
>held in Barcelona in July after the SCAR Biology Symposium, is
>.Papers will be posted to this page and we encourage any comments from
>Delegates in advance of the meeting
>- Development of the new SCAR Website is going ahead, with negotiations
>with the chosen company who will design the templates for the website
>taking place. The new website will allow SCAR groups and National
>Committees (if they wish) to have their own space within the SCAR
>website and update the pages themselves using a content management
>system. We are aiming to launch this around July.
>- Jefferson Simões (Brazilian SCAR Delegate and Glaciologist) and Dana
>Bergstrom (Australian SCAR Delegate and terrestrial ecologist) will be
>the co-chairs of the International Scientific Organising Committee of
>the SCAR 2014 Open Science Conference. See:
>Upcoming Meetings
>- There will be a joint EXCOM meeting with IASC next month in Krakow,
>- The CEP and Treaty Meeting will take place in May in Brussels, Poland
>- The SCAR Biology Symposium
>meetings will be this July in Barcelona, Spain
>- There is a joint SCAR Social Sciences and History Workshop this July
>in Cambridge (email:
>- The SCAR AAA Workshop will be held in May in Siena, Italy
>- A Conservation Workshop will be held jointly with COMNAP this
>September in Cambridge, UK (
>For further details see:
>If you have any questions or need further information please don't
>hesitate to contact me directly or via
>Mike Sparrow, Executive Director
>Dr Mike Sparrow
>Executive Director, SCAR
>SCAR Secretariat
>Scott Polar Research Institute
>Lensfield Road
>Cambridge CB2 1ER
>United Kingdom
>Tel.: +44 1223 336542
>Fax: +44 1223 336549
>Skype: mike_sparrow
>Web: <>
>SCAR is also available on Facebook

This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Job Vacancy - Polar Outreach

Dear UKPN, 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PhD studentship - snow vegetation modelling

PhD studentships are advertised below in snow vegetation modelling. 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Northumbria are currently in the process of advertising PhD studentships for uptake in September 2013

One of the studentships being advertised is on: Assessing uncertainty in snow modelling of forest gaps and edges.

Brief project description:
Snowpacks have a strong influence on climatological and hydrological fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. As approximately 19% of Northern Hemisphere snow overlaps boreal forest, the ability to accurately model spatial variability of energy fluxes within forest gaps and edges is of increasing importance as forests respond to: 1) climatic change, 2) disturbance by fire or insect infestation, and 3) commercial timber management. Spatially distributed measurements of energy fluxes at forest edges and within forest gaps will be made throughout two winters at field sites near Davos, Switzerland. This will be augmented by remotely sensed measurements of forest canopy thermal properties and physical structures using an unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV). In combination, this will allow evaluation of process representation and spatial scaling of energy fluxes within forest gaps and edges in model land-surface schemes.

Studentships are being advertised on a competitive basis across the faculty, we anticipate they will be awarded to students with good first degrees and completed masters degrees. If you know of anyone in the UKPN who you think might be interested in this opportunity I would be grateful if you could bring this to their attention. For any further details please feel free to email me on

Many thanks,

Dr Nick Rutter
Department of Geography
Northumbria University
Ellison Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4735
Fax: +44 (0) 191 227 3519

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Director for British Antarctic Survey

Dear all,

An exciting announcement from BAS below.

All the best

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Capper, Linda M.
Date: Thursday, 21 March 2013
Subject: New Director for British Antarctic Survey
To: "Capper, Linda M." <>

Message from Professor Alan Rodger, Interim Director of British Antarctic Survey

21 March 2013


Professor Jane Francis has been appointed as the new Director of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). 


I am delighted to inform you that Professor Jane Francis has been appointed as the 8th Director of British Antarctic Survey (BAS).  Jane is currently Professor of Palaeoclimatology, Leeds University and Dean of the Faculty of the Environment.  She already has very considerable experience of working for and with BAS, and has had many field seasons in both Polar Regions.  Jane will take up her new post on 1 October 2013, at which time I will stand down.


Jane Francis, a geologist by training, is Professor of Palaeoclimatology at the University of Leeds where she is currently Dean of the Faculty of Environment.  She has research interests in ancient climates, particularly of the Polar Regions, and has undertaken numerous scientific expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic, working in collaboration with research teams from many other countries. In 2002 she was awarded the Polar Medal in recognition of her contribution to British Polar Science.


Chief Executive of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Professor Duncan Wingham said, "I am delighted to have Jane Francis join NERC as the new Director of the British Antarctic Survey.  She joins us at a time in which our need to understand the Polar Regions has never been more important.  Jane comes to us with an impressive track record of leadership and achievement in one of the outstanding UK university departments, and is a widely recognised and popular figure in the polar world. We very much welcome her to her new role."


Commenting on her appointment Jane Francis said, "I am very much looking forward to taking up this position in such a prestigious organisation as the British Antarctic Survey. Polar science is a really exciting area to work in and there are a lot of great opportunities for BAS, in partnership with the UK polar community, to lead the way in addressing some critical challenges to our understanding of how polar systems operate."


Jane's appointment is excellent news for BAS.




Professor Alan Rodger

Interim Director,

British Antarctic Survey



Linda Capper, MBE, MCIPR

Head of Communications

British Antarctic Survey

High Cross

Madingley Road

Cambridge CB3 0ET


Tel: +44 (0)1223 221448

Mobile: 07714 233744

visit our website

P  Please think of the environment before printing out this message



This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

UK Arctic Science Conference 18-20 September 2013

Dear UKPN members,
We would like to announce that the 3rd UK Arctic Science conference will 
take place from Wednesday 18th September to Friday 20th September 2013. 
The Scott Polar Research Institute is hosting this conference, with 
financial and administrative support from the NERC Arctic Office.
This three-day conference aims to bring together UK Arctic scientists of 
all natural science disciplines to present and discuss recent findings. 
We welcome presentations on all aspects of Arctic research in the 
physical and social sciences, including atmosphere, biology, ecology, 
geology, marine and terrestrial cryosphere, modern climate and 
palaeo-climate, oceans; their various interactions; observations and 
modelling; relevant engineering research and development; and cultural, 
social, economic and political issues.
Please see the conference webpage for more information and to register 
for the meeting (after 2nd April 2013):
Date: Wednesday 18 September - Friday 20 September 2013
The conference will commence at lunchtime on the 18th and conclude at 
lunchtime on the 20th.
Venue: Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), University of Cambridge, 
Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ER.
Registration and abstract submission opens: Tuesday 2nd April 2013
Registration and abstract submission closes: Monday 1st July 2013
Best wishes,
Steven Palmer, SPRI - Conference Organiser
Nicola Munro, NERC Arctic Office - Conference Administrator
Dr Steven Palmer
Scott Polar Research Institute
University of Cambridge



Friday, March 15, 2013

MSc in Climate Change

Hi all,
There's a new MSc program starting up at University of Copenhagen (MSc in Climate Change, Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation (CCIMA)) in the fall 2013. It's a 2 year degree program taught in English and if you are an EU/EEA citizen there is no tuition fee. More information can be found here: 
The deadline for application is 1st of April so it's coming up soon. Please feel free to forward this to people who might be interested. 

FW: 3/15/2013 11:24:55 AM

3/15/2013 11:24:55 AM .

Coleen Suckling

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: [ssi-fellows] Collaborations Workshop 2013 promotion

For anybody who writes their own code, develops their own software, or works with people who do, this may be of interest.


Software Sustainability Collaborations Workshop 2013

21-22 March 2013, Merton College, Oxford

The Software Sustainability Institute is running its annual
Collaborations Workshop (CW13) at Merton College, Oxford.  This
workshop brings together researchers, software developers, managers,
funders and more to explore ideas in software pertinent to their
research and exploit any synergies that may lead to interdisciplinary

Last year's workshop (CW12), also held in Oxford, was attended by
researchers, developers, managers, funders and some independent
developers was a great success. An article on the workshop
can be found in the Ariadne magazine:

This workshop will give you an opportunity to meet and network with
fellow researchers, learn more about the Software Sustainability
Institute and how they may be of help to make you more productive in
your research. It will give you an opportunity to network with other
researchers and developers that may lead to new collaborations being

Amongst the attendees will be most of the new Institute

To find out more and register for the Software Sustainability
Institute's Collaborations Workshop 2013 please go to:

Places are going fast so please try to register early.

Friday, March 8, 2013

GRSG Grant Opportunity -


Another great opportunity for folks look at fieldwork, projects etc. Grants worth 750 pounds from the GRSG - to be eligible, student membership is only 7 pounds, and their newsletter isn't bad either! They also have smaller student fieldwork bursaries.

To my knowledge, UKPN members have received awards in 2008, 2011, and 2012. The deadline is March 31st.


Thursday, March 7, 2013


org:Bangor University;School of Biological Sciences
title:Post-Doctorate Researcher

Dear All,

The AGM is fast arriving. Below is the revised plan of the meeting. Please note that the meeting will now take place in the Scott Polar Institute (NOT the British Antarctic Survey as originally planned). Due to high interest in attending the getting involved with the UKPN we needed to find a larger venue to fit you all into! For those of you attending the grant writing workshop the following two days - this will still occur in the British Antarctic Survey and the final workshop times etc will come to you very soon!

I do recommend that you visit the excellent polar museum which is housed within the Scott Polar Institute (I think it's free to go to).

I have received very little response about going out for a meal after the UKPN AGM - (So far listed: Coleen, Johnny Kingslake, Sian Henley, Helen Meatcher, Steve and Rebekah Newstead). If you do want to join us for a meal then please get in touch with me asap.

UKPN AGM – Wednesday 13th March (Scott Polar Institute, Cambridge University, Lensfield Road  Cambridge CB2 1EP)

1300-1330: Arrivals and coffee
1330-1345: AGM – welcome note and introductions
1345-1410: Overlook of UKPN 2012-2013 and call for more volunteers – Ella Darlington
1410-1440: 2013-2014 Committee votes/selection
1440-1550: Official AGM meeting and close.
Committee and UKPN Members meal (all welcome) –– provisional booking made (1930, 20-25 people, Than Binh, Vietnamese Restaurant, 17 Magdalane Street, Cambridge. CB3 0AF; 01223 362 456;

Living Planet UKPN Event Possibility – AD
Name of UKPN > UKPN or APECS-UK? (ED)
- Website (standard!)(ED)
- Upcoming events for 2013-2014 (ED)
- Funding avenues > progress and further ideas(ED)

I look forward to meeting you all next week!


-- Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig / Registered Charity No. 1141565

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Bangor. Gellir darllen testun llawn yr ymwadiad yma:
This email is subject to the terms and conditions of the Bangor University
email disclaimer. The full text of the disclaimer can be read here:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fwd: [CRYOLIST] 'Glacial Landforms, how distorted is our view of them?' - a mapping workshop

Potentially of interest...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Hillier <>
Date: 2013/3/5
Subject: [CRYOLIST] 'Glacial Landforms, how distorted is our view of them?' - a mapping workshop
To: "" <>

Dear All,

With the dramatic rise in geomorphological maps and mapping over the last decade there has been a natural progression towards finding more objective, and sometimes automated, techniques and procedures for mapping. Yet manual, interpretive, techniques remain effective and commonly used.  We therefore think that it is important that criteria for interpretive mapping are developed, and agreed, in order to facilitate comparability and compatibility of mapped outputs. To this end we want to compare glacial gemorphological mapping by different interpreters for statistically representative synthetic drumlins within a real landscape. This can then inform both the differences/similarities in mapping and quantify the impacts upon the calculation of derived metrics.  This study will then be used as the basis for a 1-day workshop at Loughborough University on developing a set of objective criteria for mapping. The worksop will lead to a joint publication of all participants.

If you are interested in participating in this project, in both the landform digitisation and seminar stages, then please contact the workshop organisers.

This EGU funded workshop has bursaries available for widening participation through the support of the attendance of young researchers. Four awards of up to 500 euro are available - please send a CV and 250 personal statement in support of an application.

Confirmed participants include: C. Clark (Sheffield), C. Stokes (Durham), A. Hughes (Bergen), C. Hattestrand (Stockholm), J. Napieraiski (Michigan), M. Spagnolo (Aberdeen), P. Dunlop (Ulster).

Mike Smith (Kingston)
John Hillier (Loughborough)

Workshop: 3 September 2013
Location: Loughborough University
Deadline for involvement: 22 March 2013
Cost: FREE registration
Places: 35

An EGU sponsored event

If you have any queries please do contact myself or Mike directly.



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