Monday, December 17, 2012

PostDoc Position at Innsbruck University (Austria)

Hello UKPN,

An exciting PostDoc opportunity!!


PostDoc position on snow/ice energy balance modelling and mesoscale meteorology

The Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (University of Innsbruck,
Austria) offers a 14 month postdoc position in the fields of glacier energy balance modelling and mesoscale meteorology. Please see <> for primary information on the University, the Institute and the general environment.

Applicants are expected to continue ongoing research on spatially distributed modelling of snow/ice surface exchange processes in Arctic glacier environments. This will build on extended analysis of glaciological and meteorological data collected at a Svalbard glacier during the last years and/or output from mesoscale atmospheric models.
The position therefore calls for demonstrated meteorological background and experience in numerical modelling. Previous work on Arctic meteorology and/or glaciers is welcome, as well as cooperativeness to develop research perspectives beyond the current job opening.

The position is related to an ESF-PolarClimate research project and is funded by the Austrian Science Fund. For details on these projects please watch <>. or <>.

Funding is currently secured to support a 14 month full employment according to national standards. Flexible distribution of work and salary is conceivable upon mutual agreement, but extension beyond summer
2014 depends on additional funding.

Applications or further inquiries may be sent to
(<>) and will be given full consideration until January 31. Thereby please include your CV and contacts of two professional referees.

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