To all APECS members,
Do you love sharing your science with students and teachers? Do you want to learn how to better communicate with the media and policy makers? Do you want to help spread the word about polar research wide and far? Are you interested in developing your own communication skills for a variety of audiences? Have you been looking to get more involved with APECS, but haven't found a way yet? Well, you should get involved in the APECS Education and Outreach Committee and the upcoming Polar Week March 2012. We are currently working with educators and communicators around the world to put on numerous activities that you can get involved in during March 18th to 24th.
We are currently looking for researchers that will be in the field, or on their way to the field, to talk to students and classrooms about working in the polar regions.
We are looking for APECS members who would be willing to share their own EOC experiences, tips and tricks for others looking to gain more experience.
We are also looking for people willing to compile outreach activities and strategies for educators and early career researchers to get more involved.
Jennifer Provencher
Apecs mailing list