Monday, February 27, 2012

UKPN Winter Newsletter

Dear UKPN Members,


I hope your year is getting off to a good start! 


We have now published the first UKPN Newsletter of 2012 and it is available on the UKPN website:


There is information on the upcoming free Modelling workshop, which will be held at the University of Sheffield (deadline for application 2nd March).  This promises to be an exciting workshop and there are already many outstanding speakers involved!


Additionally you can find out more information about how to get more involved with UKPN, either becoming a member of the committee (come to our AGM) or taking part in some education and outreach projects.


I encourage you to have a read of it and if you have any questions or would like to get in contact please email


Thanks for your time!




UKPN Secretary




Aisling M. Dolan

PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology


School of Earth & Environment

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT



Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085




UK Polar Network:



Thursday, February 23, 2012

FW: COMNAP Antarctic Research Fellowships & SCAR Science Fellowships 2012-2013

Apologies, if these announcements have already been sent out to UKPN.




From: Michelle Rogan-Finnemore []
Sent: 14 February 2012 21:58
To: Michelle Rogan-Finnemore
Subject: COMNAP Antarctic Research Fellowships & SCAR Science Fellowships 2012-2013


Applications are now open for the:

SCAR Antarctic Science Fellowships 2012-13 and COMNAP Antarctic Research Fellowships 2012-13

The deadline for applications is 13 June 2012. Full details from the COMNAP website at


Antarctic Organisations Launch Fellowships

Two Antarctic organisations have joined forces to launch Fellowships for early career researchers.  The Fellowships are worth up to $US15,000 each and up to five (4 SCAR and 1 COMNAP Fellowships) are on offer for 2012. The Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) has been offering scientific fellowships to early career scientists since 2005.  Such fellowships have enabled Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientists to participate in a range of significant research including using ice cores to determine proxies for the Southern Annular Mode, a molecular study of Antarctic ostracods, and investigating particulate carbon and biogenic silica in sea ice in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Since 2005, twenty-five SCAR Fellowships have been awarded. Up to four awards are being offered by SCAR in this round.  In 2011, the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP) launched its own Antarctic Research Fellowship Scheme, offering one fellowship for an early career person in order to carry out research within a COMNAP National Antarctic Program. The two schemes were announced together today and are being jointly promoted by both organisations.  The excitement generated during the recent International Polar Year (2007-2008), has created an enthusiastic group of early career Antarctic researchers, many of whom would benefit from the opportunities the Fellowships provide. This supports the scientific goals of SCAR and the international cooperation goal of COMNAP to develop and promote best practice in managing the support to Antarctic science. The fellowships enable the early career researchers to join a project team from another country, opening up new opportunities and often creating research partnerships that last many years and over many Antarctic research seasons.

The deadline for applications is 13 June 2012.

For more information, visit the SCAR website at: or the COMNAP website at:


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APECS Polar Week 18th-24th March!

As the British Branch of APECS it would be great to get some UKPN members involved in the Polar Week. It's a great reason to put down the books for a day and get out and share your love for science. This could be anything from running a workshop session, visiting a school, or writing to your old school or youth group telling them how "cool!" your research is!
If you want to do a school visit, it doesn't have to be costly. Remember UKPN has an E&O fund to cover travel expenses for school visits. Alternatively, if you'd like some training see the earlier e-mail about the RGS ambassador scheme.
And remember to let us know what you're up to so we can send great reports back to APECS :-)
If you have any questions or need some help getting a project of the ground, please get in touch.

To all APECS members,

Do you love sharing your science with students and teachers?  Do you want to learn how to better communicate with the media and policy makers? Do you want to help spread the word about polar research wide and far? Are you interested in developing your own communication skills for a variety of audiences? Have you been looking to get more involved with APECS, but haven't found a way yet?  Well, you should get involved in the APECS Education and Outreach Committee and the upcoming Polar Week March 2012. We are currently working with educators and communicators around the world to put on numerous activities that you can get involved in during March 18th to 24th.

We are currently looking for researchers that will be in the field, or on their way to the field,  to talk to students and classrooms about working in the polar regions.

We are looking for APECS members who would be willing to share their own EOC experiences, tips and tricks for others looking to gain more experience.

We are also looking for people willing to compile outreach activities and strategies for educators and early career researchers to get more involved.

If you are interested in getting involved please contact Heidi Roop ( or Jennifer Provencher (, and we can get you working with one of energetic groups. For more information as we keep planning visit


Jennifer Provencher

APECS ExCom, 2012
Apecs mailing list

E&O Training opportunities with RGS

Can you talk passionately about geography?


Could you give a presentation to a group of school pupils on one of these topics?


·        Why I love geography

·        Working in another country or region 

·        My gap year experience                            

·        Geography and careers                                           

·        My special project or research

·        Studying geography at university


 Why not join the Royal Geographical Society with IBG Geography Ambassador Scheme?


-     You don't need experience of working with children, just a desire to be a positive role model in the promotion of studying geography.

-     You're only committed to attending a three hour training session and making one visit to a school in your area.

-     All costs, including travel reimbursed.

-     Useful training in presentation and facilitation skills provided

-     Meet geography students and graduates from other universities

-     Improve your employability and skills base – employers are looking for graduates who have confidence and experience!


Training at:

Wednesday 29th February


2pm – 5pm

Lancaster University

Tuesday 6th March


1-4 pm

Loughborough University

Wednesday 14th March



Exeter University Cornwall Campus


To register please complete and return application form electronically to Simon Faulkner 0207 5913050

Monday, February 6, 2012

School Outreach Opportunity, Hamilton, Scotland

Good morning everyone, 

I have received an email from a Key Stage 1 teacher in Hamilton, Scotland, who would like a Polar Scientist to visit their school. 

This opportunity is open to anyone within the UKPN, and we can help with ideas for activities, presentations and things to do with schools if you would like to get involved. 

If this interests you, and you are based in the area, please do get in touch with me. 

Many Thanks, 

Laura Hobbs
| Outreach Co-ordinator, UK Polar Network |