From: []
Sent: 03 August 2011 17:00
To: Jane Wilkinson
Subject: Free course for early career researchers on working with school teachers and learners
The National Science Learning Centre is offering a free course for early career researchers who may be interested in working with a school teachers and learners. The course is entitled" Science Communication for a School Teacher Audience". The courses are to be held in held in York on 20-21 October 2011 and with a recall on 10-11 May 2012. The courses are primarily aimed at "early career" researchers i.e. finishing PhD, postdoctoral researchers and fellows. People in equivalent positions in industry are also welcome.
To apply, e-mail making sure that NAC11151 shows in the subject line. Briefly describe (max. 400 words):
• why you want to develop your outreach skills for teachers and/or young people
• what you think teachers and learners could gain from you
• your commitment to attending both residential periods of the event
Further information on the courses and how to register is available online at