Friday, June 3, 2011

Reminder: UKPN Network Day , June 7th 2011, Plymouth

I would like to remind people of the upcoming UKPN Network Day!

UKPN Network Day
June 7th 2011, 13 ­ 19hr,
Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club,
Plymouth, UK

Pleae RSVP to the emails below asap.

The UK Polar Network <> is going to hold
another of its fun and successful Networking Days in Plymouth on June 7th at
the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club.

This Networking Day is taking place in connection with the big Scott
Centenary weekend commemorating the centenary of the British Antarctic
(Terra Nova) Expedition, 1910-13, led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott.

So join us for an exciting day with a slight ³historical² touch for
presentations and discussions around the scientific legacy of the
expedition, the wealth of archives available for polar scientists in the UK,
discover the work of UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, and last but not least,
meet lots of other interesting early career scientists working in all areas
of polar sciences.

We are very fortunate to have Douglas Russell from the Natural History
Museum as key note speaker, and Ellen Bazeley-White the Archives Manager
from the British Antarctic Survey, and Anna Malaos from the UK Antarctic
Heritage Trust to tell us about their work and the resources it opens up for

Bring along a poster about your current research for the poster session, and
be prepared for some fun when we are playing Polar Bingo!
As we have been informed the Polar Science Conference on June 6th has now
been cancelled but for those who are already in Plymouth in the morning we
will arrange a trip to the National Marine Aquarium.

For more information and to register your interest in attending:
please contact or

Hope to see many of you there!

Anne D. Jungblut