Friday, January 31, 2025

Reminder: UKPN Member Training Survey 2024-25

Good morning UKPN members,

We are still taking input on what training courses you would like to see us put on. We have designed a very short survey (less than 5 minutes to complete) to help us understand what specific training you are interested in.

Thank you to all those who have filled out the survey already, we have had some really useful responses, and we are very excited to plan some training sessions to target as many of your ideas as possible. I have extended the survey deadline to February 21st so we can collect as many views as possible!

Best wishes,

Tarkan A Bilge
UKPN Training Officer | UK Polar Network
Ocean/Sea-ice Modeller | British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fw: Applications open for Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) 2025/26

Please see below for an opportunity to conduct science in Antarctica. 

Dear all,


Applications are invited for Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) projects for the 2025/26 season.


The CASS provides opportunities for UK researchers to access NERC-BAS Antarctic research stations and marine science cruises for the purpose of conducting small-scale, fieldwork-based science projects that do not require logistic resources additional to those already allocated to the Antarctic field programme supported by BAS.


Further information on capacity in the 2025/26 season and how to apply to the scheme can be found on the CASS webpages.


Submission deadline is 16:00 on 27th March 2025. Please contact the Antarctic Access Office if you have any questions about the scheme.


Best wishes,



William Mossman | Antarctic Access Office Coordinator| British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET



Visit our website | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook

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International Polar Year and membership horizon scan

Dear UKPN members, 


We are conducting a horizon scan to understand the anticipated needs of the UK Polar Early Career Researchers (ECR's) as we look forward to the International Polar Year (IPY) in 2032/33 as UKPN has been asked to provide input about ECR needs to various committees. We want to make sure that the input we are providing is based on feedback from the community so we want to hear from our members about what they think their needs will be over the lead up to the IPY in order that they can take advantage of all the IPY has to offer. 


We have also received feedback from various sources that standard membership of UKPN is less beneficial than it has been in past when UKPN was a smaller organisation. We as a committee have been reflecting on how we might change this so we have included some questions about how we might make membership more useful for ECR's and what current members would find most useful for us to provide.

We would really appreciate input from members on this so that as UKPN continues to grow membership continues to be beneficial for all and a big thank you to those who have already completed the form. The deadline for filling out the form is the 18th February 2025. 

Please fill out it using the link below:



Member at Large

UK Polar Network (


Monday, January 20, 2025

REMINDER Call for Volunteers – Cardiff and Nottingham Science Festivals

Hi UKPN members,




We are looking for volunteers for our upcoming UKPN events at the Cardiff and Nottingham Science Festivals! Volunteers will:

  • Geek out about polar science 😊
  • Show off our engagement material (i.e. BAS field kit and tactile ice sheet displays)
  • Optionally organize an activity of your choosing - with our support


This is a great chance to hone your science communication skills and get more involved with outreach. The Nottingham Festival is on Sat. 15 Feb. and the Cardiff Festival is on Sat. 1 and Sun. 2 March. Sign up here:


We're also looking for people in/near Cardiff and Nottingham who could store our field kit and tactile displays for 1-2 weeks from Feb 15 to March 1.


To get in touch, you can contact Edmund, Domino & Phoebe at


See you there!



Friday, January 17, 2025

ECR Polar workshop at UKCEH Bangor -march

Hi everyone, 

See below details of a fantastic workshop organised by UKCEH in partnership with UKPN happening in Bangor in March (application link at bottom of email).

Polar Fieldwork: navigating knowledge, impact and responsibility (13-14 March) 


Polar-focused early career researchers are invited to apply to join a network event at the Environment Centre Wales, Bangor on 13/14 March to explore polar fieldwork: navigating knowledge, impact and responsibility. 

The event will be run in collaboration with the UK Polar Network and funded by the NERC Arctic Office.

The application deadline is 9am on 27 January.

The event is free to attend, thanks to the sponsor. This covers accommodation and a social evening meal on the night of 13 March. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided. Lunch TBC. Travel funding will be available for up to £100 pp.

Researchers bear a profound responsibility to minimise the negative environmental and social impact of their work and maximise positive contributions, particularly in sensitive regions like the Arctic. Sustainable travel practices - such as minimising the frequency of field trips, adopting low-emission transport, and employing remote sensing technologies - are critical. However, not all data can be collected remotely and field expeditions provide social and scientific benefits. Early Career Researchers (ECRs), often balancing the pressures of career growth and small budgets with ethical considerations, face unique challenges. Institutions can play a pivotal role by evaluating fieldwork through carbon audits, local impact assessments, and funding structures that prioritise sustainability.


The aim of this networking event is to bring together ECRs working in Arctic regions to collate the current drivers behind fieldwork planning (e.g. small research budgets, limited networks, lack of time, guidance on, and interest in monitoring and evaluation processes), share experience and practices, and to explore initiatives of enhanced collaboration amongst ECRs, local and indigenous communities, and the tourism industry.


Who is this event for?

The target audience is UK-based early career researchers working on polar-focused research questions. Please note that we can only accept a limited number of participants and we therefore ask for your motivation to attend.


To be able to apply please ensure you fulfill the following criteria:

You are available on the following dates: 13-14 March

Your research is centered around the polar regions

You are affiliated with a UK institution, are living in the UK or are part of the UK research community. Please note that travel funding is capped at £100 pp.

You are within 10 years of your last qualification (i.e. BSc/MSc/PhD).


Applicants must demonstrate the following:

How the network event will impact their career and future goals

What you hope to bring to the event, including any previous fieldwork, engagement and collaboration experience.

Ideas for developing opportunities for ERCs to lead polar fieldwork campaigns in environmentally and socially sustainable ways.

We are prioritising candidates who have fieldwork experience or plan to undertake fieldwork in the Arctic, but those who are focused on Antarctica are also welcome. Candidates who work or plan to work with local and/or indigenous communities are encouraged to apply.

How do I apply to participate in this event?

To apply, individuals should fill in this application form no later than 9:00 AM on 27 January 2025.

 More information is available here for those with access to the UKCEH hub and will soon also be posted on the UK Polar Network website.  


If you have any questions concerning the application form or event, please email Maud van Soest at

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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Open call: Early Career Scientist program at the Canada-Sweden Arctic Ocean Expedition 2025



Came across this call and thought it could be of interest to many of you! It's a short turnaround as the deadline is Monday 20 January and requires a letter of support from your Supervisor and/or Head of Department, but could be very worth it!



Andrew McDonald

PhD Student @ University of Cambridge and British Antarctic Survey


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Arctic Science Summit Week & PECWS Attendance

Hi all, 

The UKPN is interested to know who is planning on attending the Arctic Science Summit Week and/or the Polar Early Career World Summit in March. 

If you are planning on attending either, please add yourself to this spreadsheet:

There's also an option to join our UKPN group accommodation. We are looking for final numbers for accommodation by the beginning of February (column L).

As with last year, we are open to arranging a UKPN social meetup on an evening for all of us, irrespective of where you may be staying. Please be sure to add your email to the spreadsheet above so that we can invite you. 

Thanks in advance for your engagement on this, 
Chloe, on behalf of the UKPN Committee

Chloe Nunn

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

Team Morvoren, women's J24 sailing team:
UK Polar Network Committee: 
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Fw: Contribute to Shaping the Science and Vision of SCAR=?Windows-1252?Q?=92s_?=new C-CAGE Research Programme

See below for those involved in Southern Ocean and Antarctic biology: 

From: Huw Griffiths - BAS <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 10:34
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; Anton Van de Putte <>
Subject: Contribute to Shaping the Science and Vision of SCAR's new C-CAGE Research Programme

Dear APECS and UKPN,

Would it be possible to distribute this request to your mailing lists to ensure that as many ECRs are able to contribute and be included as possible?

Thanks in advance,

Huw, Cath and Anton



Dear SCAR Antarctic and Southern Ocean biologists,

This is an opportunity for you to help to shape the science and structure of a new SCAR biological research programme.

The aim of the new SCAR scientific programme concentrating on all areas of biology and ecology, Changes in Circumpolar Antarctic Gradients in Ecosystems (C-CAGE), is to use the natural environmental gradients in temperature, ice cover, and other physical drivers that exist in different parts of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic (with latitude, longitude, altitude, and depth) to better predict the likely outcomes for life as the region's habitats change.

C-CAGE is at the programme planning group stage and looking for input from the scientific community and we need your help to establish who is interested in being part of C-CAGE and what it should be focusing on. We ask you to fill out a short survey (less than 10 minutes of your time) to help us narrow down these big themes and questions to those that are relevant to current and future work by the SCAR biological research community:


We would greatly value as many responses as possible before the end of March 2025 and would appreciate it if you would share this message with any relevant colleagues who might be interested. We encourage researchers of all career stages, backgrounds, nationalities, and areas of interest to contribute and ensure that their science is represented.

Thanks again for all your support,

Huw, Cath and Anton

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Tales from the poles, reminder

Hello polar community, happy new year! 

Just a little reminder about a fun initiative we have on the go. 

We will be collecting stories across the next year so please do send in some content as soon as you can. It would be great to have content by June 2025, but, the sooner, the better.

❄️ Calling Polar Early Career Researchers (ECR) willing to share their tales from the polar regions ❄️

 ðŸ“š UKPN and APECS Netherlands would like to collate a book with stories/poems/haiku's et al. from the poles.


🧊 Have you spent time at either pole between field work, living on a research station or on board a research vessel?


✏️ If you are willing, please use the form to share with us a short account (or multiple accounts) from your polar experience. Be creative and feel free to include anecdotes or descriptions that will help the polar regions come to life in the public's imagination.


🔗 Link to survey.


🌎 The aim of the book is to serve as a tool for prospective researchers and to unite current and past scientists from different stations.


Please send in any content by June 2025. We would like to publish this collation of stories as an e-book and a printed copy by December 2025.


📷 Please send any extra photos to:

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Monday, January 13, 2025

EGU25: session on Clouds, moisture, and precipitation in the Polar Regions

Dear all,
Happy New Year! And a friendly reminder about approaching EGU abstract deadline (15 January 2025, 13:00 CET) and our session: 

AS4.4/CR7 Clouds, moisture, and precipitation in the Polar Regions: Sources, processes and impacts
Session description:
Clouds play an important role in the Polar climate due to their interaction with radiation and their role in the hydrological cycle linking poleward water vapour transport with precipitation. Cloud and precipitation properties depend on the atmospheric dynamics and moisture sources and transport, as well as on aerosol particles, which can act as cloud condensation and ice nuclei. These processes are complex and are not well represented in the models. While measurements of cloud and precipitation microphysical properties in the Arctic and Southern Ocean/Antarctic regions are challenging, they are highly needed to evaluate and improve cloud processes representation in the models used for polar and global climate and cryosphere projections. 
This session aims at bringing together researchers using observational and/or modeling approaches (at various scales) to improve our understanding of polar tropospheric clouds, precipitation, and related mechanisms and impacts. Contributions are invited on various relevant processes including (but not limited to):
- Drivers of cloud/precipitation microphysics at high latitudes,
- Role of aerosols as cloud condensation and ice nuclei,
- Linkages of polar clouds/precipitation to the moisture sources and transport, including extreme transport events (e.g., atmospheric rivers, moisture intrusions),
- Relationship of moisture/cloud/precipitation processes to atmospheric dynamics, ranging from synoptic and meso-scale processes to teleconnections and climate indices,
- Interactions between clouds and radiation, including impacts on the surface energy balance,
- Impacts of clouds&precipitation on the polar and global climate system, surface mass and energy balance, sea ice and ecosystems.

We would like to emphasize collaborative observational and modeling activities including dedicated measurement campaigns in the Arctic and Southern Ocean/Antarctica and encourage related contributions. Particular focus this year will be on aerosol-cloud interactions. Our solicited speakers this year are Tom Lachlan-Cope (British Antarctic Survey) who will speak on the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cloud observations and Tina Santl-Temkiv (Aarhus University) - on the role of bioaerosols in polar clouds.
We look forward to seeing you in Vienna & Online!
Kind regards,
Session conveners: Irina Gorodetskaya (CIIMAR), Kerstin Ebell (U Koeln), Florian Sauerland (KU Leuven), Max Maahn (U Leipzig) and Floor van den Heuvel (BAS)

Dr Floor van den Heuvel

Cloud Physicist

CloudSense Science Coordinator

Member-at-large UK Polar Network

Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team

British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingly Road,
Cambridge CB3 0ET

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International Polar Year and membership horizon scan

Dear UKPN members, 


We are conducting a horizon scan to understand the anticipated needs of the UK Polar Early Career Researchers (ECR's) as we look forward to the International Polar Year (IPY) in 2032/33 as UKPN has been asked to provide input about ECR needs to various committees. We want to make sure that the input we are providing is based on feedback from the community so we want to hear from our members about what they think their needs will be over the lead up to the IPY in order that they can take advantage of all the IPY has to offer. 


We have also received feedback from various sources that standard membership of UKPN is less beneficial than it has been in past when UKPN was a smaller organisation. We as a committee have been reflecting on how we might change this so we have included some questions about how we might make membership more useful for ECR's and what current members would find most useful for us to provide.

We would really appreciate input from members on this so that as UKPN continues to grow membership continues to be beneficial for all and a big thank you to those who have already completed the form. The deadline for filling out the form is the 18th February 2025. 

Please fill out it using the link below:



Member at Large

UK Polar Network (


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Call for Volunteers – Cardiff and Nottingham Science Festivals

Hi UKPN members,


We are looking for volunteers for our upcoming UKPN events at the Cardiff and Nottingham Science Festivals! Volunteers will:

  • Geek out about polar science 😊
  • Show off our engagement material (i.e. BAS field kit and tactile ice sheet displays)
  • Optionally organize an activity of your choosing - with our support


This is a great chance to hone your science communication skills and get more involved with outreach. The Nottingham Festival is on Sat. 15 Feb. and the Cardiff Festival is on Sat. 1 and Sun. 2 March. Sign up here:


We're also looking for people in/near Cardiff and Nottingham who could store our field kit and tactile displays for 1-2 weeks from Feb 15 to March 1.


To get in touch, you can contact Edmund, Domino & Phoebe at


See you there!


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Re: Recruiting UKPN EDI Officer

Hi all, 

A reminder that the deadline for the EDI officer role applications is tomorrow. See below for details. 


From: Lucy Stephenson - BAS
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 12:24
To: UK Polar Network Mailing List <>
Subject: Recruiting UKPN EDI Officer
Dear UKPN members,

We would like to invite applications for the role of EDI Officer as part of the UK Polar Network committee. Details of the role and associated responsibilities can be found here

Apply using the linked form. The deadline for applications is 3rd Jan 2025. 

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

All the best, 

Lucy Stephenson (she/her) | Scientific Data Coordinator | UK Polar Data Centre | British Antarctic Survey

Antarctic President | UK Polar Network 

Room 330a, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET



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UK Polar Network

Association of Polar Early Career Researchers

Visit our website | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



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