Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN) Webinar Series

Dear UKPN,


The Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN) would like to invite you to our inaugural webinar series, where we will showcase the work of Scotland-based Arctic researchers. The webinar is interdisciplinary and will cover a range of physical and social issues pertinent to the Arctic. Attached is a flyer with dates and times for upcoming webinars.


Details for the next webinar are as follows (abstract below):


Registration for future webinars is also open here and more information on ScAN and its activities is available on our website. We welcome attendees from across the globe and are eager to bring together an international audience to engage with this webinar series.


Best wishes,





Dr William D. Harcourt

Interdisciplinary Fellow

Room 111, St Mary’s Building

Interdisciplinary Centre for Data & AI

University of Aberdeen


Twitter: @will_harcourt

Website: www.williamharcourt.co.uk


The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Fwd: The Explorers Conference 2023 at the Natural History Museum



Please see the below message from Nuzhat Tabassum at the Natural History Museum:


"Are you from a Black, Asian, Arab, or other racially minoritised background(s) and interested in careers within Earth, environmental and ecological sciences? The Explorers Programme invites you to the Explorers Conference 2023 on Friday 24th November at the Natural History Museum.


Everyone should have the right to access and enjoy nature and be supported into a career in Natural History for their own interest. However, there is clear evidence that the Environmental sector is not accessible or inclusive, for example, the Policy Exchange 2017 report indicated it was one of the least ethnically diverse sectors in the British workforce. Some of the challenges that we as people from racially minoritised backgrounds who grew up or work in the UK encounter are reduced access to opportunities needed to succeed in the field, limited career guidance and exposure, lack of representation and sense of 'belonging', issues associated with lower socioeconomic status, and racism in the sector. The Explorers Programme aims to support people from racially marginalised backgrounds by addressing these barriers through events and resources tailored to specific stages in a person's education and career.


At this conference, you will hear directly from professionals from racially marginalised backgrounds about their careers and experiences, push your vision for climate justice, discover the varied opportunities in environmental sciences, and take part in workshops to provide the tools that will assist you on your own career and educational journeys. There will also be a networking session at the event to meet like-minded people and ambassadors for environmental organisations so that you can build your community and career pathway.


This is a free event that will be hosted in person at the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, London. Financial support is provided for students and people with low-income travelling from outside of London. There is also a virtual option for those who would like to attend the panels and workshops remotely. Please see the Eventbrite for more details.




Best wishes,


Dr. Nuzhat Tabassum (She/Her) 

The Explorers Programme's Project Officer



Natural History Museum

Cromwell Road

London SW7 5BD"


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Monday, November 13, 2023

Fwd: SCAR Science Group Fellowships

Just passing on this call from SCAR:

Dear colleagues,


SCAR is excited to announce a new opportunity for early and mid-career researchers: The SCAR Science Group Fellowship Programme.

The SCAR Science Group Fellowship Programme is designed to encourage the active involvement of early and mid-career researchers in the work of the permanent, disciplinary Science Groups (SGs) to mentor potential future SCAR leaders and promote professional development. 

A fellow will be assigned to each of the three SGs – GeosciencesLife Sciences and Physical Sciences. This fellowship programme is funded for two years. 

Each fellowship award is for US$10,000 per year. Funds can be used as a stipend; to cover the costs of travel to attend workshops, symposia and/or business meetings; or for other purposes as determined in consultation with the Chief Officer of the SG. Initial appointments are for one year. First-year fellows can apply for the second year, but a second year is not guaranteed. 

The programme is for researchers from SCAR member countries (full or associate). PhD students or those within ten years of having completed a PhD on the day of the deadline for applications can apply. In special cases, this ten-year period may be extended. Prior work with SCAR is not a requirement to apply, but any involvement with SCAR should be included in the application. Researchers from countries with developing Antarctic programmes (e.g., SCAR Associate Member countries) are encouraged to apply. 

Application review will begin December 18, 2023; for full consideration please submit your application by this date. 

More information is available here: https://scar.org/general-scar-news/science-group-fellowship-2023/


Best wishes,





Dr Johanna Grabow

Project Officer


johanna@scar.org - www.scar.org

c/o Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ER, United Kingdom






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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Polar Pride 2023

Dear UKPN members,

We would like to invite you to join us and our partners across APECS in celebrating Polar Pride Day on 18th November 2023. As Polar Pride is on the weekend this year we would encourage departments and organisations to do something on the 17th November to then celebrate online for the 18th November.

Polar Pride Day is a celebration of the contributions of LGBTQIA+ people to Polar science. Polar Pride launched in 2020 with participation from 49 countries with over 4000 tweets, and a global reach of over 12.8 million people! In 2023 we want to build on this success and take the Polar Pride message to an even bigger audience and we need your help to do it. 

A particular highlight of last year were the images of celebrations in the field. If you have plans to celebrate at either pole, at your institute or virtually, please make sure that you take some photos or video to share on the day. If you are using Twitter, please use the hashtags #PolarPride, #PolarPrideDay or #PolarPride2023. 

Please share widely, stay in touch, and let us know what you'll be getting up to! More information can be found in the attached document.


Millie and Louise

EDI Co-Officers

UK Polar Network (https://polarnetwork.org/)


Email: edi@polarnetwork.org

Fw: PhD advert

Dear all, 

Please see below for an exciting PhD position on Arctic ocean food web.

Best Regards, 




Dr. Archana Dayal

IASC-PA2F Fellow (2023-26)


Postdoctoral researcher, NERC Cryo365

Staff profile


Office: 1.19

Department of Life Sciences

IBERS Building

Aberystwyth University

SY23 3FG, UK


Google Scholar


ORCID: 0000-0001-5457-8842


 Dear Eva, Kelly and Claire,


Our PhD advert has now gone live on findaphd.com here:




You can view it here. If you know of any good candidates please encourage them to apply.


Thanks for all of your help with this so far,


Best wishes


Dr. Kelly Redeker
Lecturer in Department of Biology
Research interests include: Polar Science, Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem Function and Volatiles
University of York
tel: 01904 328 560
Pronouns: He/him
Caveat:  I tend to lose track of day, time and place and can (and do) send emails at odd times.  This in no way obligates recipients to respond on their time off, on the weekend, or at other awkward moments. Cheers!

Y Brifysgol orau yn y DU am Ansawdd ei Dysgu a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr
Best University in the UK for Teaching Quality and Student Experience
(The Times and Sunday Times, Good University Guide 2021)
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Cewch ateb Cymraeg i bob gohebiaeth Gymraeg ac ateb Saesneg i bob gohebiaeth Saesneg. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi.
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