Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN) Webinar Series

Dear UKPN,


The Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN) would like to invite you to our inaugural webinar series, where we will showcase the work of Scotland-based Arctic researchers. The webinar is interdisciplinary and will cover a range of physical and social issues pertinent to the Arctic. Attached is a flyer with dates and times for upcoming webinars.


Details for the first webinar are as follows (abstract below):


Registration for future webinars is also open here and more information on ScAN and its activities is available on our website. We welcome attendees from across the globe and are eager to bring together an international audience to engage with this webinar series.


Best wishes,




The Scottish Government (SG) 2019 paper Arctic Connections: Scotland’s Arctic Policy Framework identifies the close links between Scotland and the Arctic that have existed for centuries. The ‘…lasting impact on our cultural, economic and social fabric’ (p. 3) is noted therein as relevant across the country. Within this framework, the Scottish Government’s Arctic Connections fund allocated circa £8000 to a group of researchers from the Universities of Strathclyde, Highlands and Islands, and Aberdeen for an inaugural seminar wherein teacher educators from nine Scottish HEIs met to debate the role, place, and form for Arctic Pedagogy on Scottish teacher education under the auspices of The New Northern Pedagogies Group (NNPG). 


In this presentation, we outline three things, the first two very briefly. First, Scottish educational framing and connections to the Arctic. Second, a definition for ‘pedagogy’ (‘Being in and acting on the world, with and for others’) that challenges traditional Anglophonic interpretation. Finally, I shall then outline connections the New Northern Pedagogies Group made to interpretations of Arctic Pedagogy, as a mechanism to disrupt or rupture hitherto Initial Teacher Education approaches along with some of the successes from the inaugural NNPG event. 




Dr William D. Harcourt

Interdisciplinary Fellow

Room 111, St Mary’s Building

Interdisciplinary Centre for Data & AI

University of Aberdeen


Twitter: @will_harcourt



The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

Join the UKPN Committee! Deadline: 15th September

Hi all, 

We are currently looking for new members to join the UKPN committee for the 2023/2024 year (Sept/Oct 2023 to August 2024). All the information you need is on this webpage:

We are searching for a treasurer, secretary, webmaster, social media officer, outreach and education officers, international collaboration officer, and EDI officer! 

All positions are voluntary with varying time commitments. Further descriptions of each role are on the webpage above, but most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic early career individuals to continue the excellent work of the UKPN built over the last 15+ years. 

Please apply by the 15th September - application form is also available on the webpage above. If you have any questions, please reach out to 

We also encourage you to share this opportunity widely across your networks!

Kind regards, 
UKPN Committee 2022/2023

Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Fw: Team Trust study invitation - Report Included

From: Andres Kaosaar <>
Sent: 29 August 2023 09:00
To: <>; <>; <>
Subject: Team Trust study invitation - Report Included

Warning: This email is from outside the UEA system. Do not click on links or attachments unless you expect them from the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear UK Polar Network personnel,

I am Andres Käosaar, a PhD student at the University of Central Florida (USA), working on team trust dynamics in Polar environments under the supervision of Professor Shawn Burke (University of Central Florida, USA). My project also includes the collaboration of Mr. Moses Rivera (University of Central Florida, USA) and Dr. Pedro Marques-Quinteiro (Universidade Lusófona, Portugal).

We believe you might be the best people in your organization to turn to for asking for help related to reaching participants for the study.

We are looking for individuals who are either currently on an expedition/mission in any polar stations/vessels/missions or who have participated in any polar expedition/mission since June 2021.

If you would be so kind and forward the study invitation to people who you know have this experience or to the organizations/stations in your network, we'd be very thankful. From our side, we offer a summary of the study together with best practices and learning points from the data that we gather. This material would help polar organizations and stations think more systematically about what makes specific polar teams successful. 

The study invitation for individual participants has been included in the email as an attachment.

The study is entirely online, and the total time required is 20 minutes (2 10-minute blocks). First, they will be asked to complete the first part of the questionnaire whenever they have time (it takes approximately 10 minutes). Then a week after completing the first questionnaire, we will send them a link to the second and last part of the questionnaire (estimated completion time 10 minutes). 

To access the first part of the study, click the survey link below:

For the second portion of the survey, we will send a second survey link to the email addresses the participants provided within the first survey. 

As previously mentioned, our study aims to investigate what influences trust between team members in Isolated, Confined, and Extreme (ICE; e.g., teams in polar regions) environments. Since there is not much literature about it in this specific context, the study promises to be an important contribution, thus your help is incredibly valuable.

We are collecting data from as many different stations, expeditions, and vessels as possible so that we will have a more complete picture of trust in ICE and how to make better teams for those environments. As part of our study, we will summarize our findings, practical implications for stakeholders (e.g., station managers and teams), and practical recommendations for both teams and individuals that could support everyone who will embark on another journey to the Antarctic or Arctic environment. We will share these recommendations and findings with everyone who joined the study and/or helped us to reach participants.

We would highly appreciate your contribution. Please let us know what you think and also feel free to just forward the email to any people who you are aware of that fit the description of people we are looking for.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Primary Investigator (PI), Andres Käosaar via email:

Thank you,

Andres Käosaar, MA

Moses Riviera, MS

Dr. Pedro Marques Quintero

Prof. C. Shawn Burke

Andres Käosaar, MA
Doctoral Student & Research Assistant
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
University of Central Florida

Friday, August 18, 2023

UKPN UK Arctic Science Conference 2023 pre-conference session

Dear UKPN members, 

The 2023 UK Arctic Science Conference pre-conference session by UKPN will be on 'Leadership and Networking for ECR's'. It will run between 10am - 12:30pm on Monday 11th September 2023 at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge in-person and virtually. Registration for the main conference closes on the 25th August and it is free to attend.

Pre-conference session overview:
Demonstrating leadership and developing networks are crucial parts of any job, academic or otherwise, but for Early Career Researcher (ECR's) it can be especially difficult to gain access to opportunities that clearly evidence this. This session firstly will give an overview of what leadership is, why it is important for ECR's, and how to access opportunities to demonstrate leadership. The second part of this session will hear from Chloe Nunn (UKPN Co-President 22/23 and NIRAS), Dr Aileen Doran (iCRAG and EDIG), and Dr Alison Cook (SAMS) who will speak about their experiences of networking both traditional and non-traditional to understand how ECR's can develop their networks in multiple ways. Finally, there will be a mini-networking session where you will develop short pitches about your research in subject groups and then mix with the wider group to share your research. 

Please sign up to the session here by the 29th August:

I look forward to seeing you all there!



EDI Officer 2022/23
UK Polar Network (

Monday, August 14, 2023


Dear UKPN members, 

Please see the below link for an opportunity for those interested in the science-policy interface - the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative are seeking volunteers to help out at COP28 later this year. 

Best wishes, 

UKPN Co-President 
Eleanor Maedhbh (Ellie) Honan (she/her)
PhD Candidate at Durham University and the British Antarctic Survey 

Department of Geography | Durham University | Durham | DH1 3LE | UK

UK Polar Network
I sometimes send emails outside of standard working hours. I do not expect others to do so. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Member Benefits: Cotswold Outdoors

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer all our members 10% off of Cotswold Outdoors purchases!

To make use of the discount, please use the code AF-UKPN-M1 online. If you'd like to use the discount in store, please show them this flyer:

This discount code is for members only, please do not share widely beyond the UK Polar Network as we risk losing our partnership if the benefit is abused.

Details of this benefit, and any others in the future will be in our Welcome email when signing up to the mailing list, and will be circulated as an announcement like this one for those of you who are already on the mailing list! We will also be posting about the partnerships on our social media so please interact with that content as we may be able to secure larger discounts in the future.

If you have any ideas about other brands our members use regularly, let us know and we will look into a partnership with them.

Kind regards,
The UKPN Leadership Team


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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Fwd: Announcing the "Arctic Research is Relationship" Fall 2023 Course

Hi all, 

Please see the below announcement for an opportunity to do a virtual training course this winter. It is on the later side for the UK, but that may work for your schedule! 


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NNA-CO <>
Date: Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Announcing the "Arctic Research is Relationship" Fall 2023 Course
To: <>

Announcing the "Arctic Research is Relationship" Fall 2023 Course

The Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO), in partnership with Alaska Pacific University (APU), is pleased to announce the launch of the "Arctic Research is Relationship - Exploring the Foundations of Collaborative, Community, and Indigenous-centered Arctic Research" course this fall through APU. This is an advanced level course intended to create welcoming, respectful spaces, dialogues, and productive research collaborations with Tribes, Indigenous peoples, agencies and organizations. To learn more about the course goals, instructors, eligibility requirements, continuing education units, and more, please review the course details at the link below.

Learn more

Class will be held every Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm AKT via Zoom, from September 22-December 8, 2023.

To apply, please fill out the application below by August 30, 2023.

Apply now

Please contact the NNA-CO Indigenous Engagement Coordinator, Jessica Lewis-Nicori, at for more information.

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Copyright © 2021 CIRES, All rights reserved.

The Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO) is jointly implemented by the University of Colorado Boulder, Alaska Pacific University, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The NNA-CO is supported through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award #2040729). 

Contact us:

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