Friday, July 28, 2023

ECR Travel Grants

Hi all, 

If you are Scotland based, you might be eligible for a travel grant to an Arctic event. See details here: 


Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Field Hygiene Survey

Survey Link: 


The UK Polar Network is running a workshop on personal hygiene during remote fieldwork, focusing on menstrual health and going to the bathroom whilst away from sanitation facilities. The workshop has been prompted by the results of a UKPN survey which found that nearly 70% of our members felt that they lacked training in basic field skills.

For many Early Career Researchers (ECRs), their own PhD or MSc fieldwork can be their first time working in remote environments, away from running water,  showers or flushing toilets. How likely you are to have had prior exposure to these conditions can vary based on your location, cultural or socio-economic background. This bias can thus perpetuate inequalities in field-based sciences.

This workshop will introduce the various products and techniques for dealing with going to the bathroom and menstruation while on fieldwork. Fieldwork is inherently stressful at times, but knowing where to pee or how to change a tampon in the cold shouldn't be an extra worry! 

The workshop content has been brought together by the UKPN leadership team and is based on published studies (see below) as well as personal experience. However, while we think it's important to provide structured instruction on toileting, we also recognise the value of the ad-hoc advice provided by those with fieldwork experience. 

Many of us are still using the techniques that were mentioned to us off-hand by more senior field workers:
previously, this may have happened in informal settings: over coffee or when walking to from camp to field site. Due to the impact of covid-19 on taught field courses at undergraduate level, many ECRs have not had the opportunity to receive this informal advice. 

That's where this survey comes in: we would like to 'crowd source' some advice for inclusion in the workshop. Do you have any go-to products for dealing with personal hygiene when in the field? Do you swear by a particular method for going to the toilet when camping? Is there something you wish you knew about before your first field work? 

All responses are anonymized, and we appreciate any advice, no matter how trivial you may (now!) believe it to be. There is no requirement to fill out the full form, so please complete any section you think you might be able to provide useful information for. 

This survey will take 5 to 15 minutes to fill out, depending on how comprehensively you chose to answer. Much of this survey refers to menstruation - if this doesn't apply to you, please feel free to skip these sections - we still greatly value your responses to the other sections! 

Best wishes, 
UKPN Co-President

Eleanor Maedhbh (Ellie) Honan (she/her)
PhD Candidate at Durham University and the British Antarctic Survey 

Department of Geography | Durham University | Durham | DH1 3LE | UK

UK Polar Network
I sometimes send emails outside of standard working hours. I do not expect others to do so. 

Field Hygiene Survey

Survey Link: 


The UK Polar Network is running a workshop on personal hygiene during remote fieldwork, focusing on menstrual health and going to the bathroom whilst away from sanitation facilities. The workshop has been prompted by the results of a UKPN survey which found that nearly 70% of our members felt that they lacked training in basic field skills.

For many Early Career Researchers (ECRs), their own PhD or MSc fieldwork can be their first time working in remote environments, away from running water,  showers or flushing toilets. How likely you are to have had prior exposure to these conditions can vary based on your location, cultural or socio-economic background. This bias can thus perpetuate inequalities in field-based sciences.

This workshop will introduce the various products and techniques for dealing with going to the bathroom and menstruation while on fieldwork. Fieldwork is inherently stressful at times, but knowing where to pee or how to change a tampon in the cold shouldn't be an extra worry! 

The workshop content has been brought together by the UKPN leadership team and is based on published studies (see below) as well as personal experience. However, while we think it's important to provide structured instruction on toileting, we also recognise the value of the ad-hoc advice provided by those with fieldwork experience. 

Many of us are still using the techniques that were mentioned to us off-hand by more senior field workers:
previously, this may have happened in informal settings: over coffee or when walking to from camp to field site. Due to the impact of covid-19 on taught field courses at undergraduate level, many ECRs have not had the opportunity to receive this informal advice. 

That's where this survey comes in: we would like to 'crowd source' some advice for inclusion in the workshop. Do you have any go-to products for dealing with personal hygiene when in the field? Do you swear by a particular method for going to the toilet when camping? Is there something you wish you knew about before your first field work? 

All responses are anonymized, and we appreciate any advice, no matter how trivial you may (now!) believe it to be. There is no requirement to fill out the full form, so please complete any section you think you might be able to provide useful information for. 

This survey will take 5 to 15 minutes to fill out, depending on how comprehensively you chose to answer. Much of this survey refers to menstruation - if this doesn't apply to you, please feel free to skip these sections - we still greatly value your responses to the other sections! 

Best wishes, 
UKPN Co-President

Eleanor Maedhbh (Ellie) Honan (she/her)
PhD Candidate at Durham University and the British Antarctic Survey 

Department of Geography | Durham University | Durham | DH1 3LE | UK

UK Polar Network
I sometimes send emails outside of standard working hours. I do not expect others to do so. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Job opportunity in Arctic terrestrial Ecology


We are looking for a Post-doctoral research associate in Arctic terrestrial ecology. 
The PDRA will be studying the impact of climate change on vegetation and terrestrial ecosystem functioning in the Arctic tundra. 
We are looking for someone who is excited by fieldwork and multi-site data synthesis to understand the responses of tundra environments and in particular tundra plant phenology to a changing climate.
Please follow this link to the full job advert


Dr. Claudia Colesie

Lecturer in Physiological Plant Ecology

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.