Friday, February 17, 2023

Novara Expedition Information Webinar (Feb 21st) - Reminder

Dear all, 

The UK Polar Network is collaborating with the Novara One Planet programme to support early career researchers in participating in an Arctic sailing expedition to conduct research projects. 

We will be hosting an information session online on Feb 21st at 12:30pm. Representatives from the Novara One Planet Programme and the UK Polar Network will talk about the expedition opportunities, how to get involved, and answer your questions. Please register here: 
If you already have a project idea and are ready to complete an Expression of Interest, we have extended the deadline to 1st March 2023. Application form here:

Projects should be related to trans- or multidisciplinary research which links to community preparedness and adaptation to climate change. Themes include: coastal hazard risk reduction; vulnerability; climate change impacts; climate change adaptation; community and ecosystem resilience; ocean literacy; ocean and coastal governance. More details can be found in the EOI form above. 

This is not a funded opportunity, but the UKPN will provide funding application support to selected ECR applicants. This would include, for example, guidance on grant applications, and reviewing proposal documents. You can of course self fund if you have the resources already. 

If you have any questions, please email

Many thanks,

Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality

Dear all,

The Natural History Museum, London,  is offering a 5-day course Taxonomic skills and field techniques for freshwater ecology and quality funded by NERC, 22-26 May 2023. This training initiative targets PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, early-career environmental science researchers and those working in biology, environmental and ecological sectors. The course will benefit those who wish to acquire or enhance their taxonomic expertise, practical identification and field work skills.

Venue and duration: The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London. Course delivery will be based within the NHMs Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity. The course will run for one week, from 9:30-17.30 daily.

Eligibility: The course is available to all environmental sciences students, postgraduate researchers and early-career scientists. Priority will be given to those with NERC funding or whose PhD award was NERC funded. There is a maximum of 15 places available. The course is sponsored by NERC, and all course costs, travel and accommodation costs are covered. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided each day. Travel and accommodation arrangements will be made for participants by our administration team.

How to apply: please download the application form provided and return by the CLOSING DATE: 24 February 2023.

Best wishes


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

SIOS-Planet Call: Free Access to High-Resolution Optical Satellite Data

Dear UKPN (and apologies for cross-posting),


In cooperation with Planet, the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) is inviting scientific project proposals from the global Arctic science community to demonstrate the usability of high-resolution data in Svalbard.


The call offers free access to high-resolution optical satellite data acquired by Planet’s satellite constellation to stimulate geospatial product generation in Svalbard.


A detailed timeline, call text and more information are available here:


The deadline for applications is 28th February 2023. This is a great opportunity to develop new techniques, conduct cal/val studies, and/or study new phenomena in Svalbard!


Please feel free to contact the SIOS Remote Sensing Officer ( if you have specific questions.


All the best,





Dr William D. Harcourt

Lecturer in Geography

Room 111, St Mary’s Building

Department of Geography & Environment

School of Geosciences

University of Aberdeen


Twitter: @will_harcourt


Award Winning Video on Fieldwork in Svalbard (2021):


The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Novara Expedition Information Webinar (Feb 21st)

Dear all, 

The UK Polar Network is collaborating with the Novara One Planet programme to support early career researchers in participating in an Arctic sailing expedition to conduct research projects. 

We will be hosting an information session online on Feb 21st at 12:30pm. Representatives from the Novara One Planet Programme and the UK Polar Network will talk about the expedition opportunities, how to get involved, and answer your questions. Please register here: 
If you already have a project idea and are ready to complete an Expression of Interest, we have extended the deadline to 1st March 2023. Application form here:

Projects should be related to trans- or multidisciplinary research which links to community preparedness and adaptation to climate change. Themes include: coastal hazard risk reduction; vulnerability; climate change impacts; climate change adaptation; community and ecosystem resilience; ocean literacy; ocean and coastal governance. More details can be found in the EOI form above. 

This is not a funded opportunity, but the UKPN will provide funding application support to selected ECR applicants. This would include, for example, guidance on grant applications, and reviewing proposal documents. You can of course self fund if you have the resources already. 

If you have any questions, please email

Many thanks,

Chloe Nunn
Consultant - Marine Environment UK, NIRAS: 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UK Polar Network Co-President (2022-2023): //
Constructive Visions Book:
SEARCH Co-Production of Arctic Environmental Change Knowledge, Human Wellbeing Team: 

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Friday, February 3, 2023

16th Feb - Polar Pint of Science

Dear all,

We'd love to invite you all to our Pint of Science event, Pole to Pole, on the 16th of Feb 2023. We have two speakers, talking about their fascinating polar research. It will be held at the Blue Moon in Cambridge, doors open at 7 pm and the event starts at 7.30

It should be a great opportunity to kick back with a pint and learn about some interesting polar topics. In the break between talks, there will be a polar-themed quiz and some deep-sea animals to have a look at. It's pitched at the general public (no polar knowledge required) so bring family and friends along!

Tickets are available below:
(please copy and paste the url into your browser if the hyperlink does not work)

Polar wishes,
The UKPN Pint of Science team


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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Remote volunteering opportunity for Cardiff Science Festival 20th-22nd Feb

Dear UKPNers,

Thanks to those of you who've volunteered to help us run our in-person events at Cardiff Science Festival later this month (and apologies for sending another email about it!). Following discussions with the festival organisers, we've been offered the chance to run additional online/hybrid events, to increase the number of sessions we can offer.

Therefore, if you are unable to make it Cardiff, but still interested in volunteering (remotely), please fill out the form below as soon as possible (preferably by the end of the week), giving us your availability:

Please direct any questions to the festivals team at :-)

Best wishes,
Clara, Edmund and Linnet
UKPN Festivals Coordinators