Thursday, June 21, 2018

Re: HELP PLEASE: volunteer for science day in Datchet

Hi Anna,


A good friend of mine is a physicist and recently travelled to Antarctica as part of an all female international group of scientists. She has some wonderful images, and some lovely stories, as well as having visited some usually off limits research stations.


The following link directs you to a programme she has set up on her her return, bring awareness to both equality and climate change to under privelaged schools in Colombia.


She recently gave a talk at WWF in woking and is based in Guildford


If she is free, I’m sure she may likely be able to help out.


Would you like me to put her in touch ?

Best Regards,


Scott Parker

Business Development Manager

ALS Oil and Gas


Unit 1B Henley Business Park,
Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2DX


T +44 (0) 1483 235183

M +44 (0) 7766253942





From: UK Polar Network Mailing List [mailto:UKPN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Belcher, Anna C.
Sent: 21 June 2018 14:09
Subject: HELP PLEASE: volunteer for science day in Datchet


Hi everyone,


We’re looking for someone to help out with this school visit request, coming up on 3rd July. It’d be really great if someone can help, they’re really keen and we are struggling within the committee to be able to find someone to do it.


Is anyone in the Berkshire/London area that would be able to help? The school will cover travel costs.


Doesn’t take much effort, just chat a bit about some of the cool experiences/life as a polar scientist/show some pictures, whatever you want really. The ones I have done have been a lot of fun J


If you could get back to me ASAP, that would be ace, as it’s only a couple of weeks away.






From: Naomi Akien <>
Sent: 09 May 2018 12:40
Subject: Science Day




My name in Naomi Akien, I am the science lead at Datchet St Mary's Primary Academy. I am organising a science day on 3rd July around polar exploration, using the STEM polar exploration ideas. I was wondering whether you might be able to provide me with a speaker to start off our day?

Kind regards,



Naomi Akien

KS1 & 2 Teacher

RE and Science Subject Leader

Datchet St Mary's Church of England Primary Academy



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A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England.

Registered Office: The Green, Datchet, Berkshire SL3 9EJ.

Registered Number:7851937. Registered Charity Number: XT36718.

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This email is private and confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please notify Datchet St Mary's immediately using the 'contact' details on the Datchet St Mary's Academy website and delete the email from your system. Any views or opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Datchet St Mary's C of E Primary Academy. Datchet St Mary's may monitor incoming and outgoing email data and also the content of messages. Email must not be treated as a secure means of communication. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England. Registered Office: The Green, Datchet, Berkshire SL3 9EJ. Registered Number: 8143249

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HELP PLEASE: volunteer for science day in Datchet

Hi everyone,


We’re looking for someone to help out with this school visit request, coming up on 3rd July. It’d be really great if someone can help, they’re really keen and we are struggling within the committee to be able to find someone to do it.


Is anyone in the Berkshire/London area that would be able to help? The school will cover travel costs.


Doesn’t take much effort, just chat a bit about some of the cool experiences/life as a polar scientist/show some pictures, whatever you want really. The ones I have done have been a lot of fun J


If you could get back to me ASAP, that would be ace, as it’s only a couple of weeks away.






From: Naomi Akien <>
Sent: 09 May 2018 12:40
Subject: Science Day




My name in Naomi Akien, I am the science lead at Datchet St Mary's Primary Academy. I am organising a science day on 3rd July around polar exploration, using the STEM polar exploration ideas. I was wondering whether you might be able to provide me with a speaker to start off our day?

Kind regards,



Naomi Akien

KS1 & 2 Teacher

RE and Science Subject Leader

Datchet St Mary's Church of England Primary Academy



This email is private and confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please notify Datchet St Mary's immediately using the 'contact' details on the Datchet St Mary's Academy website and delete the email from your system. Any views or opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Datchet St Mary's C of E Primary Academy.

Datchet St Mary's may monitor incoming and outgoing email data and also the content of messages.

Email must not be treated as a secure means of communication.

A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England.

Registered Office: The Green, Datchet, Berkshire SL3 9EJ.

Registered Number:7851937. Registered Charity Number: XT36718.

Please don't print this email unless you really need to.

This email is private and confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please notify Datchet St Mary's immediately using the 'contact' details on the Datchet St Mary's Academy website and delete the email from your system. Any views or opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Datchet St Mary's C of E Primary Academy. Datchet St Mary's may monitor incoming and outgoing email data and also the content of messages. Email must not be treated as a secure means of communication. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England. Registered Office: The Green, Datchet, Berkshire SL3 9EJ. Registered Number: 8143249

This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.