Tuesday, September 29, 2015
outreach opportunity
We have two requests for primary school visits in the upcoming weeks.
The first is Downderry primary school in Greater London. Late October, early November.
The second is at Brooklands Farm Primary school in Milton Keynes. First week in November preferably.
Both schools are about to start a topic on 'frozen planet' and would love an interactive school visit from a scientist/engineer/PhD student please.
This is a great opportunity to get involved with education and outreach within schools. Primary schools are an excellent place to start, as they are fully engaged, excited and enthusiastic. We have plenty of lesson plans and ideas, and can give some training/advice if this is your first outreach day.
The schools are fairly flexible about length of visit/ideas on what to do.
Please let me know if you are interested in this and we can put you in contact with the schools.
Many thanks
E&O team
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Arctic Resource Futures - a panel discussion at UCL - 21 October 6-7 pm
(Feel free to distribute.)
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Re: The UKPN AGM - 18th September 2015
Dear UK Polar Network,Kind regards,
Another year has flown around the corner yet again, which means it's the committee's pleasure to invite you all to our AGM. This year, it will be held in Sheffield at the close of the UK Arctic Sciences Conference, on the 18th September 2015.We've tried to answer some questions that you might have below...but just get in touch if you have any others!
Should I attend?
Yes! If you have an interest in the future opportunities for early career Polar researchers, the AGM is a key date in the year.What happens at the AGM?It's the time of year that we elect our new committee (usually made up of continuing members, plus a few new individuals). We discuss our involvement with the international organisation APECS and how we can develop links with other committees, share ideas about running new workshop and events, and talk about funding sources and existing events that we should get involved with.
If you see a gap in the work we do, the workshops we run, or the events we organise...this is your chance to let us know! If you'd like to organise something at your institute, or as part of an existing conference, we will be more than happy to get involved and assist you!How can I get involved with the UKPN?
Our committee is usually formed of permanent members (who commit to the role for at least one year) and those that sit on the committee during the planning and organisation of specific events. We will have some positions on the committee opening up this year, which will be available for application. Please contact me if you have more questions regarding this, we are always really keen to have new members involved.What's happening this year?We will be, as usual, working to organise events across the country for early career Polar scientists. At present, there are plans to develop a workshop at the Science Educators Conference in Birmingham, Antarctica Day Festivities in collaboration with Our Spaces, and of course, the next UK Antarctic Sciences Workshop. More specific plans will be discussed at the AGM, and we'll circulate these after the event.The detailsWe will be hosting the AGM at the University of Sheffield at 14:00 - 15:00 on September 18th. This will be after the close of the UK Arctic Sciences Conference, after a lunch break.If you'd like to attend, but aren't part of the conference--that's fine, please come along! If you'd like to be more involved but can't make the AGM, we will set up a skype link for those not physically present on the day. Otherwise, please let me know if you'd like to be involved and I'd be more than happy to discuss more!We look forward to welcoming you to the AGM, hope to see you there!TJ Young-----TJ YoungPhD Student, University of CambridgePresident, UK Polar NetworkEmail: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731We're social!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ukpolarnetworkTwitter: https://twitter.com/UKPolarNetwork
Monday, September 14, 2015
Early Career events at the UK Arctic Science Conference, Sheffield
Panel Event: Past, Postdoc, Future
Date/Time: Wednesday 16th September, 19:15 - 20:00, followed by a UKPN dinner.
Venue: University Arms Pub, University of Sheffield
In conjunction with the UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership, the UKPN is hosting a panel event that sheds light on the life of the modern postdoc. Our panel will be comprised of members that range from current postdocs, to senior lecturers working with postdocs, to provide multiple perspectives on funding, university/institutional roles, administrative and conference involvement, and the relationship with supervisors. Information from this event will be highly beneficial as feedback on how the UK Scientific Community can better support postdocs in their work and research.
The panel will then be followed by dinner in the same room, where you can meet and network with other conference attendees. Note that dinner must be pre-ordered and paid for in advance by the end of today (14th), which can be done here:
Social Sciences Gathering
Date/Time: Wednesday 16th September, 12:30 (before opening of conference).
Venue: University of Sheffield
We know there are many of you out there--come meet your fellow social scientists, and learn more about what is going on in polar social science! UKPN is keen on getting to know you all, and to see how we can support polar social science, and help bridge the gap between physical and social sciences in general.
UKPN Annual General Meeting
Date/Time: Friday 18th September, 14:00 - 15:00 (after close of conference).
Venue: Ron Johnston Room in the Geography & Planning Building, University of Sheffield
UKPN is hosting its AGM at the Arctic Sciences Conference this year, and all are welcome to join. We also will elect our new committee at this time, so whether you want to simply see what we are up to, or if you have an interest in the future opportunities for early career Polar researchers, please attend!
We hope to see many of you at these events. Please remember to pre-order your UKPN dinner!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
UKPN merchandise to buy!
As you may have heard, we have new UKPN branded merchandise (see pictures)!
We have:
T-shirts £15
Buffs £9
Hats £9
Mugs £10
T-shirt + buff/hat £20
The T-shirts, buffs and mugs will be available to buy at the UK Arctic
Science Conference in Sheffield this week but if you can't make it then
please let us know and we can post out to you (if you cover the cost of
postage) or you can collect from the Cambridge area.
Not only do you get some fantastic looking items for your money but all
proceeds go towards supporting future UKPN events!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
#TweetYourThesis (September 24th)
Starting at midnight (GMT), every hour a different APECS member from our international community will tweet about their thesis (#TweetYourThesis) and answer questions from others in the "twitterverse." This is an exciting way to share your important polar research to a global audience of over 315 million active users and make connections with other professionals in your field! (You can even schedule your tweets in advance to save time!)
Learn more and sign up here: http://tiny.cc/TweetYourThesis
Even if you can't take part in this event, please retweet #TweetYourThesis posts or tweet your own content using the #PolarWeek tag!
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The UKPN AGM - 18th September 2015
Another year has flown around the corner yet again, which means it's the committee's pleasure to invite you all to our AGM. This year, it will be held in Sheffield at the close of the UK Arctic Sciences Conference, on the 18th September 2015.
Should I attend?
Yes! If you have an interest in the future opportunities for early career Polar researchers, the AGM is a key date in the year.
If you see a gap in the work we do, the workshops we run, or the events we organise...this is your chance to let us know! If you'd like to organise something at your institute, or as part of an existing conference, we will be more than happy to get involved and assist you!
Our committee is usually formed of permanent members (who commit to the role for at least one year) and those that sit on the committee during the planning and organisation of specific events. We will have some positions on the committee opening up this year, which will be available for application. Please contact me if you have more questions regarding this, we are always really keen to have new members involved.
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Monday, September 7, 2015
Free Voice of Young Science workshops this September- Glasgow & London
There will be 2 workshops in Glasgow:
- On Wednesday 16th September, the University of Glasgow are hosting a Standing up for Science media workshop. The deadline for applications is today, Monday 7th September, see more details in the flyer.
- The next day, Thursday 17th September, we are running a peer review: the nuts and bolts at Glasgow Caledonian University. For more information about the event see the flyer. The deadline for applications is Thursday 10th September.
- On Friday 25th September, there will be a Standing up for Science media workshop at the Francis Crick Institute (Mill Hill), London. Applications close on Friday 11th September - see the flyer for more details.
For each workshop, I have pasted some information below that could be sent around in an email. It would be great if you could let your networks know about these events. Please do let me know if you have any questions or would like any further information.Best wishes
Sense About Science will be holding two Standing up for Science media workshops in September 2015:
University of Glasgow, Wednesday 16th September.
Application deadline: today, Monday 7th September -
The Francis Crick Institute, London, Friday 25th September
Application deadline: Friday 11th September
The full day workshops are free and for early career scientists and researchers in all sciences, engineering and medicine (PhD students, post-docs or equivalent in first job).
During the workshops we combine discussion about science-related controversies in media reporting with practical guidance and tips for how to deal with the media. Please find further information at http://www.senseaboutscience.org/pages/upcoming-standing-up-for-science-media-workshops-.html
These workshops are very popular and places are limited. To apply, send a CV and cover letter explaining your reasons for applying to Joanne Thomas jthomas@senseaboutscience.org. If you are a member of or are funded by any of our partner organisations (listed on the flyers), please state in your application – our partners hold five priority places for these workshops.
Find out about peer review.
Debate challenges to the system.
Discuss the role of peer review for scientists and the public.
Thursday 17th September 2015, 2pm – 5pm
Workshop to be held in Glasgow Caledonian University
Peer Review: The nuts and bolts is a free half-day workshop for early career researchers and will explore how peer review works, how to get involved, the challenges to the system, and the role of peer review in helping the public to evaluate research claims.
Should peer review detect plagiarism, bias or fraud? What does peer review do for science and what does the scientific community want it to do for them? Should reviewers remain anonymous? Does it illuminate good ideas or shut them down?
To apply to attend this workshop contact Joanne Thomas jthomas@senseaboutscience.org by Thursday 10th September.
Further information:
Science and evidence in the hands of the public
www.senseaboutscience.org|@senseaboutsci |@voiceofyoungsci
14A Clerkenwell Green | London | EC1R ODP | +44 207 490 9590
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
E&O Opportunity: Reddit Science AMA Sep 20
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Thursday, September 3, 2015
[APECS] Reminder - APPLY BY 5 September 2015 - Early career scientist session co-convener positions available for the SCAR OSC 2016
Co-convener positions for early career researchers are available for all sessions at this conference. To view the sessions available at this conference, please click this link http://scar2016.com/?page_id=2848. As an early career co-convener, you would work together with the other conveners of your session to shape its program, review abstracts, select presentations and convene the session on site. You will gain excellent skills and experience in how to convene a successful international conference session.
To apply for an early career scientist co-convener position, please fill out this form https://docs.google.com/a/apecs.is/forms/d/1Ks1YPXhN-bZq9iTMAXT3g8dIrTtWCQmP_xyqOulO9Qo/viewform no later than 5 September 2015.
If you have questions, please contact APECS at info@apecs.is
We hope to see many of you at the SCAR OSC 2016!
Rachel Downey and Gerlis Fugmann
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Fwd: NCAS Introduction to Unified Model Course
This course introduces new users to the Met Office Unified Model systems and provides practical experience of setting up and running experiments. UM software management system, file formats, utilities, and configurations are discussed. Users will be led through a series of exercises designed to encourage best practice in scientific exploitation and HPC resource management of the UM.
The Met Office Unified Model is the model used for weather and climate prediction at the Met Office and also at other forecasting centres worldwide.
This course will take place 16-18 December 2015 at the University of Reading.
Further details and booking available on the webpage http://bit.ly/ncasUM15
Any questions please contact Louise on training@ncas.ac.uk:
Dr Louise Whitehouse
Education and Staff Development Manager
National Centre for Atmospheric Science
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds
Tel: +44 113 343 4212
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Looking for 40+ ECRs to convene sessions at SCAR 2016
Please see below for an announcement from APECS for convener opportunities at SCAR. Note that the application deadline is this Saturday! Please share widely!
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and APECS are looking for early career researchers to co-convene sessions at the SCAR Open Science Conference (OSC) 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!! This conference is scheduled for 23rd - 26th August 2016, with the theme of the conference being "Antarctica in the Global Earth System: From the Poles to the Tropics".
Co-convener positions for early career researchers are available for all sessions at this conference. To view the sessions available at this conference, please click this link http://scar2016.com/?page_id=2848. As an early career co-convener, you would work together with the other conveners of your session to shape its program, review abstracts, select presentations and convene the session on site. You will gain excellent skills and experience in how to convene a successful international conference session.
To apply for an early career scientist co-convener position, please fill out no later than 5 September this formhttps://docs.google.com/a/apecs.is/forms/d/1Ks1YPXhN-bZq9iTMAXT3g8dIrTtWCQmP_xyqOulO9Qo/viewform .
If you have questions, please contact APECS at info@apecs.is