TJ Young
President (2014 - 2015), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574
Dear UKPN,
The deadline for the UK International Ocean Discovery Programme Student Workshop/Conference is approaching—many of you may find this event useful for your projects.
TJ Young
President (2014 - 2015), UK Polar Network
PhD Candidate (SPRI), University of Cambridge
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574
We're social!
UK-IODP Student Workshop, and General Conference -Please Register Now
The 2015 General Conference will be held in Newcastle Upon Tyne and invited speakers and students will be able to claim their travel costs. Please indicate if you would like to give a presentation and we will do our best to accommodate you. This meeting will bring together leading scientists working in the IODP. Presentations will cover
Climate and Oceans, Earth in Motion, Biosphere Frontiers and Earth Connection.
Applicants should complete the online registration form.
Registration for the event will close on 31 July 2015.
The UK IODP team are also pleased to announce that the highly successful Student Conference will return for 2015 taking place on the 22-24 September 2015 at Deneholme House, Northumberland. Accommodation (to help keep costs manageable, we are anticipating two people per room) and meals will be provided as well as assistance with travel costs.
The conference will consist of
• Outline of the IODP Programme
• Student presentations
• How to propose a drilling project.
• Presentation of proposals with feedback from peers and workshop speakers/senior scientists
• It will be an excellent opportunity to link with scientists from the IODP community and develop vital skills for your career.
Participants will be required to bring a poster on their current research project for display.Please note there are limited places (70) available for this event.
A bus will be available to transport you to the 2015 IODP conference in Newcastle if required.
Applicants should complete the online registration form.Registration for the event will close on 31 July 2015.
For further details of these events, please contact Sean Burke at
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Dear UKPN postgraduates,
The annual, student-led Quaternary Research Association (QRA) postgraduate symposium is still receiving abstracts ahead of the abstract and registration deadline on the 1st August 2015. The meeting will be held 2-4th September 2015 at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, in association with the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Cambridge. Postgraduate students (MSc or PhD) are invited to submit abstracts covering any aspect of Quaternary research as either an oral or poster presentation. This symposium serves as a great opportunity to meet fellow students working within your field as well as providing you with an introduction to presenting at conferences in a friendly, supportive environment.
We are also excited to announce keynote talks from Rob Mulvaney (British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge) and Babette Hoogakker (University of Oxford) who will be discussing their new developments in Quaternary Science research. We will also have a seminar from Lucy Gonzalez (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge) about how you can improve your success in applying for funding and grants.
Full details of the symposium programme, keynote speakers, and the abstract submission and registration process can be found at Registration for the symposium is £20 for QRA members (non-QRA members: £35), which will cover the icebreaker event held at the Sedgwick Museum, entrance to the symposium for two days, an abstract booklet and the tour of the British Antarctic Survey laboratories. A conference dinner will be held at the Riverside Restaurant at the University Centre on the 3rd September 2015, at an extra cost of £20 per person. Details of accommodation options are listed on the website. For response to any queries, please e-mail We hope you will join us for what will be a fun action-packed conference.
On behalf of the organising committee,
Michelle McCrystall BSc, MSc
PhD Research student
British Antarctic Survey and University of Cambridge
-- ---------------------- Dr Jonathan Day - Research Scientist - NCAS-Climate EMAIL: WEB: TWITTER: @jonny_day Dept. of Meteorology, Phone: 0118 378 6018 University of Reading, Fax: 0118 378 8316 READING. RG6 6BB. UK. Room: 3L71 ------------------------------------------------------