Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Re: Funding for travel and more: the new Fellowship programme

Thank you for your email.


I’m currently out in the field and will be back on the 30th of July 2012

Best regards,





Heïdi Sevestre

PhD student

Department of Arctic Geology

The University Centre in Svalbard


@ heidi.sevestre@unis.no

Tel: 79023347



Friday, July 27, 2012

Funding for travel and more: the new Fellowship programme

Dear all,

I wanted to draw your attention to the new Fellowship Programme that is being launched by the Software Sustainability Institute.

I was part of the Agents Network that preceded this programme and I've found it really useful. If successful in your application they provide you with £3000 towards conferences over a period of 18 months. What could be better than that?!

Please see below or follow the link for further details. Apply quickly because if they have too many applications they'll initiate a cut of. Feel free to email me if you have any further questions.


Best wishes,

---Funding for travel and more: the new Fellowship programme---

In August this year, the Software Sustainability Institute will launch a
Fellowship programme that will fund researchers in exchange for their
expertise and advice. The programme will build on the success of the
Agents' network and will share the same goals: gathering intelligence
about research and software from all disciplines, and encouraging
fellows to develop their interests in the area of software sustainability.

Each Fellow will be allocated £3000 to spend over 18 months. The funding
will be flexible to support activities that are beneficial to both the
Fellows and the Institute: to fund travel to conferences, to set up and
run workshops, to organise software sustainability BoFs at domain
conferences, or to host or teach at a Software Carpentry bootcamp.

Recruitment of about 15 Fellows will start in August. A launch event in
early September will provide an introduction to the programme and will
give researchers the opportunity to ask questions in person (or
virtually, since the event will be webcast), as well as talking to
current recipients of the fellowships and members of the Institute team.

--How to apply--

Recruitment will open in August and will run through to mid-September.
First stage applications will be made through an online form. The
leading applicants will be invited to an event where a final selection
of the Fellows will be made.

--Who's eligible--

We are looking to recruit Fellows across a wide range of experience, so
we're looking for anyone from PhD students to Professors. Applicants
must be working in a research organisation based in the UK.

--More information--

More information will be made available on the Institute's website over
the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our Twitter or news feed for the latest

Website: http://www.software.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SoftwareSaved
News feed: http://www.software.ac.uk/news

Dr. Kathryn C. Rose

Glaciologist - Aerogeophysicist
Secretary to the UK National Committee for Antarctic Research

British Antarctic Survey,
High Cross, Madingley Road,
Cambridge, CB3 0ET, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 221288
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 351730


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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

grants, proposals and funding..

Hi all,


I’ve come across this link of resources and information on grant writing etc.

Not polar specific, but I think it’s worth sharing nevertheless.






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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Volunteers needed for Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge

SPRI is looking for volunteers to help with their outreach events this summer in Cambridge. The descriptions of the events are below. This is a great opportunity to share your research with the public, especially to get them excited about the polar regions! If interested please contact Sophie: sw229@cam.ac.uk

Do you know about icebergs? Do you study them? avoid them? Could you help out the learning team at the Scott Polar Research Institute -    with facts and stories (wierd and wonderful, daring and dangerous),    photos (own if poss - snaps will do), a competition question? and    even 'expertise' on the day (in person or via skype) at our all day family event at the Polar Museum on
      Aug 11 (Sat)  - All you ever wanted to know about icebergs....

Aug 22 (wed) - The Beach at the Polar Museum  (families day).    If you do polar science that is revealing changes - would you be    willing to come and sit on our temporary beach at the Scott Polar    Research Institute and tell people who you are, what you do, where you go to do it and why. The event is a gentle reminder that the researchers are collecting data and building knowledge and that change is on going and complex. We are hoping to help you find fun ways of sharing your research - or may be you know some already! 

Ella Darlington
President, UK Polar Network

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fwd: PhD Scholarship in Sydney Australia to be advertised

UNSW Climate Change Research Centre, Sydney Australia
$23 860 (plus $5 000 top up) AUD per year, tax-free

Applications are invited for a high-level PhD scholarship to work on a project investigating poorly understood physics related to the dynamics of the Southern Ocean circulation and its role in the climate system, in particular the magnitude, distribution, and mechanisms of mixing by horizontal eddy motions at length scales of less than 100 kilometres.  An understanding of eddy mixing mechanisms and how to represent them in coarse resolution ocean and climate models are presently acute weaknesses in our understanding of ocean dynamics and our representations of ocean physics in ocean and climate system models.  The aims of the study are 1. to develop a process-based understanding of eddy mixing focussing on eddy mixing in association with jet-topography interactions through a combined theoretical and observational approach, and 2. to implement this understanding by assessing and potentially improving the representation of these effects in state-of-the-art climate models.  The project will involve the design and implementation of experiments with a numerical model of the interaction of an idealised Southern Ocean circulation with topography, and the analysis of a variety of observations of Southern Ocean circulation to motivate these experiments and test the relevance of the understanding derived from them.  There is the opportunity to apply this understanding to the task of climate model evaluation and improvement through an evaluation of the physics under investigation in a state-of-the-art climate model.

The PhD scholarship is tenable for a period of 3 years + 6 months extension (if granted), with the successful candidate able to shape a project to match their background, interests and expertise. Applicants should have a strong academic track record including an upper-level Honours Class I or equivalent.  Honours graduates with a strong academic track record in physics and/or mathematics are particularly encouraged to apply.  International students are also encouraged but must additionally apply for a UNSW International Research Scholarship, the deadline for which is 31 August 2012.  Successful applicants who obtain an APA scholarship in either the current or future rounds may be awarded a top-up award with additional funds then available for project and travel support.

Applicants should send a full academic transcript, a short CV and an expression of interest to Bronwen Smith via bronwen.smith@unsw.edu.au.

For further information, contact Stephanie Waterman via snw@alum.mit.edu.

Further details of the CCRC, its research activities and staff can be viewed at www.ccrc.unsw.edu.au.


Stephanie Waterman

Research Fellow
School of Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK
E-mail:   s.waterman@noc.soton.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)2380 596021
Fax: +44 (0)2380 596400

Research Associate
Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Email: s.waterman@imperial.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 8457
Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 9668

Thursday, July 5, 2012

FW: [Met-jobs] Ph.D. postion in polar meteorology/ stable isotope modelling at University of Innsbruck, Austria

> Sent: 04 July 2012 22:15
> To: climlist@wku.edu
> Cc: met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk; cryolist@cryolist.org
> Subject: [Met-jobs] Ph.D. postion in polar meteorology/ stable isotope
> modelling at University of Innsbruck, Austria
> Ph.D. Position: Polar meteorology/ stable oxygen isotope modeling
> The polar meteorology group of the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics
> (IMGI) at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, is looking for a Ph.D.
> student to fill a 3-year position in the field of polar meteorology and
> stable oxygen isotope modeling.
> The position is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through the
> research project ?Precipitation mechanisms at Antarctic deep drilling
> sites?. The project aims at a better understanding of precipitation
> mechanisms and moisture transport in the dry interior of the Antarctic
> continent. The precipitation study will be combined with an investigation
> of stable oxygen isotopes of fresh snow samples from the deep drilling site
> Dome C. Especially the only recently measurable delta 17-O is poorly
> understood so far and will be studied using the fresh snow samples in a
> stable isotope model. Overall goal is a better understanding of the stable
> isotope-air temperature relationship that is used in ice core studies of
> paleoclimate.
> The successful candidate will conduct simulations with the stable isotope
> model MCIM (Mixed Cloud Isotope Model), which was developed at LSCE,
> combined with trajectory calculations and a study of the synoptic
> situations during precipitation carried out by the PI. The position is
> initially for one year with extension to three years after positive
> evaluation.
> The research is carried out in close cooperation with the National Center
> for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, the Laboratoire des
> Sciences du Climat et de l?Environnement (LSCE), Gif-sur-Yvette, France,
> and the University of Triest, Italy.
> Qualifications: Master's degree (or equivalent) in meteorology/atmospheric
> science or CLOSELY related field. Excellent knowledge of synoptic/dynamic
> meteorology, experience in an advanced computer language (e.g. Fortran) and
> Matlab as well as Shell Script; good communication/writing skills; basic
> knowledge of cloud physics would be desirable.
> Enquiries and applications including a short statement of motivation, CV,
> certificates, Master's thesis abstract, list of publications (if
> any) and contact information for two professional referees should be sent
> electronically (pdf file) to the project PI:
> Dr. Elisabeth Schlosser
> Inst. of Meteorology and Geophysics
> University of Innsbruck
> Innrain 52
> A-6020 Innsbruck
> Austria
> Elisabeth.Schlosser@uibk.ac.at
> Closing date: until filled. The position will start in fall (oct.
> plus/minus 1 month) 2012.
> For further information about the PI and IMGI see http;//imgi.uibk.ac.at or
> http://imgi.uibk.ac.at/IceClim/IceClim/Polar/personal.html
> The University of Innsbruck aims at increasing the proportion of women at
> all levels of employment; therefore applications by qualified women are
> especially encouraged.
> *********************************************************************
> Dr. Elisabeth Schlosser
> Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics
> University of Innsbruck
> Innrain 52
> A-6020 Innsbruck
> phone: +43 512 507 5481
> fax: +43 512 507 2924
> http://imgi.uibk.ac.at/IceClim/IceClim/Polar/polar_research.html
> http://imgi.uibk.ac.at/IceClim/IceClim/Polar/personal.html
> *********************************************************************
> _______________________________________________
> Met-jobs mailing list <Met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
> http://www.lists.rdg.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/met-jobs
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

FW: [CRYOLIST] PhD position Norway: snow avalanches

Or maybe a PhD in Norway?
Amélie *

> Subject: [CRYOLIST] PhD position Norway: snow avalanches
> A research position is available at the Glacier, Ice and Snow Section
> (HB) at NVE aiming for a PhD degree. The candidate will be enrolled in the
> PhD program at the University of Oslo (Department of Geosciences).
> The cryosphere-section at the Department of Geosciences has long-term
> experience in investigating topics within the terrestrial cryosphere (snow,
> glaciers, permafrost), hydrology and geohazards, and is involved in various
> high-level research projects and centers (
> http://www.mn.uio.no/geo/english/research/groups/cryosphere/index.html ).
> The HB section at NVE is engaged in several research projects, both
> national and international. Important research tasks are studies of the
> effect of climate change on the hydrological cycle, improvement of
> hydrological models for flood forecasting and application of hydrological
> models ( http://www.nve.no/en/Water/Hydrology/Research-and-
> development/#Avalanches ).
> The national avalanche warning service for Norway has been under
> development over the last two years and will become operative from January
> 2013. The results from the research project should be applied to improve
> the avalanche forecasting.
> Further details area found here:
> https://www.webcruiter.no/wcmain/advertviewpublic.aspx?oppdragsnr=147867383
> 4&culture_id=NB-
> NO&company_id=998100&Link_source_id=&use_position_site_header=0
> The deadline for applications is 25 August 2012.
> --
> Dr. Thomas V. Schuler
> Associate professor
> Department of Geosciences
> University of Oslo
> P.O. Box 1047 Blindern
> N-0316 OSLO
> Norway
> Tel.: +47 22 85 59 28
> email: t.v.schuler@geo.uio.no
> _______________________________________________
> You're subscribed to the CRYOLIST mailing list To change your subscription
> options, visit http://cryolist.org/member To send a message to the list,
> email cryolist@cryolist.org For conference-related messages, email
> conf@cryolist.org For posting guidelines, see http://cryolist.org/posting/
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FW: [CRYOLIST] job offers

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Thinking about a PhD in Glaciology? Two positions have become available at AWI in Germany.

AWI is a great place to work at!


For details see attachments.




Björn Schüler
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
Tel. 0471/4831-1696
Fax. 0471/4831-1388

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FW: [CRYOLIST] MicroDIce summer school 2012

Aopologies for cross posting, but this sounds like a great summer school!

> To: cryolist@lists.cryolist.org
> Subject: [CRYOLIST] MicroDIce summer school 2012
> The MicroDIce european project (microdice.eu) organize a summer school
> about
> Microstructures of Ice and Snow,
> August 27th to September 1st 2012, Obergugl, Tirol Austria
> http://microdice.eu/activities/summer-school-microstructures-of-ice-and-
> snow/
> The aim of this summer school is to talk and learn about recent
> developments in microstructural analysis of ice and snow. It is mostly
> focused on MSc, PhD and also postdocs. Undergraduates are also welcome to
> apply. Our goal is to get around 35 students together. Over 4 days,
> lecturers will present various aspects of microstructures of ice and snow,
> inclusing theory, analysis, experiment and numerical modelling.
> Please register soon on the site!
> Chargée de recherche
> Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géophysique de l'Environnement UMR 5183
> 54 rue Molière, BP 96
> 38402 St Martin d'Hères cedex
> tel : 33 (0)4 76 82 42 67 / fax : 33 (0)4 76 82 42 01
> montagnat@lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr
> http://lgge.osug.fr/montagnat-rentier-maurine
> _______________________________________________
> You're subscribed to the CRYOLIST mailing list To change your subscription
> options, visit http://cryolist.org/member To send a message to the list,
> email cryolist@cryolist.org For conference-related messages, email
> conf@cryolist.org For posting guidelines, see http://cryolist.org/posting/
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