Tuesday, May 24, 2011

CUTEC's 8th Annual Technology Ventures Conference - 9 June 2011

A conference in Cambridge that may be of interest to UKPN members:


CUTEC's 8th Annual Technology Ventures Conference - 9 June 2011

There are only a few weeks to go until this year’s Technology Ventures Conference (TVC, http://tvc2011.cutec.org) which will address the importance of the Ideas Economy and its impact on high-tech clusters.

The conference will be held on 9th June 2011 at the Cambridge Union Society and we are delighted to have an impressive range of speakers confirmed, including the CEO of Virgin Galactic (George Whitesides), Global Business Development at P&G (Mike Addison) and the BBC Technology Correspondent (Rory Cellan-Jones). A full line up of speakers is listed below. The TVC has recently been featured in the Business Weekly news. (http://www.businessweekly.co.uk/hi-tech/11717-cambridge-s...)

In addition, there will be a:
• Cambridge Diamond Exhibition - which includes well-established companies such as ARM, MedImmune, Redgate, Plastic Logic
• Technology start-up showcase & competition - an exhibition of technology start-ups, where selected finalists will get the opportunity to pitch to an Investors' Panel.

• Ideas Economy Workshops - Healthcare workshop organised by GSK, Open Innovation by Mozilla and Cleantech by Shell Springboard. (For further details see the article on TVC workshops)
• An interactive smart phone application along with on-line streaming, which will enhance interactions and networking for the pre and post conference.

Registration is now open. Please register at: http://tvc2011.eventbrite.com/

We look forward to seeing you there!


George Whitesides (CEO of Virgin Galactic)
Dick Powell (Co-founder of Seymourpowell)
Pamela Hartigan (Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship in Oxford)
Roland Harwood (Co-Founder and Networks Partner at 100%Open)
Ted Shelton (CEO of Open-First)
Mike Addison (Global Business Development, Procter and Gamble)
Peter Boyd (COO, Carbon War Room)
Walter De Brouwer (CEO, One Laptop Per Child Europe)
Darren Westlake (DIrector, Crowdcube)
Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen (CEO, Vestergaard Frandsen)
Vinay Gupta and Tom Wright (Founders, Whipcar)

David Rowan (Editor, WIRED magazine)
Rory Cellan-Jones (Technology Correspondent, BBC)

Shell Springboard (Cleantech)
Mozilla (Open Innovation)
Healthcare (GSK)


Thursday, May 19, 2011

APECS Virtual Poster Session on Marine Biology - Thursday 19 May at 19:00 GMT

Hi UKPN - Here's an online session for you if Marine Biology is your
thing...or even if it isn't!

APECS Virtual Poster Session on Marine Biology

Thursday 19 May at 19:00 GMT

We are excited to announce the May Virtual Poster Session with two
early career scientists presenting on:

1) Anne Helene Tandberg: "A 'teenage family' in a crowded mussel?"
Extended parental care in Metopa glacialis associated with Musculus

2) Marta Acosta Plata: "Whale watching: a key platform to study male
sperm whales in Norway and the North Atlantic"

To join the call / chat room, you will need to go to:
http://connect.canterbury.ac.nz/apecs/vps_may2011/. Login in as guest
and provide your name in the name box.

To reserve a spot, please send an email to Claudia Maturana
(apecs.chile@googlemail.com) or Tosca Ballerini
(info.apecs.italy@gmail.com). Remaining spots will be available on a
first come, first serve basis.

The session will be conducted through an online meeting system (Adobe
Acrobat Connect) hosted by the University of Canterbury. There is a
great and easy to understand tutorial video showing you how to join
one of these calls if you haven't before:
http://apecs.is/virtual-poster-session/live-sessions. In case any
questions remain on how to join the call etc – anything, please
contact us: apecs.chile@googlemail.com (Claudia),
info.apecs.italy@gmail.com (Tosca), kimjochum@gmx.de (Kim).

For those not familiar with the APECS Virtual Poster Session - this
effort focuses on bringing the concept of the poster presentation
beyond the four walls of the conference hall and creates an online
database of polar research poster publications. This project allows
members with similar goals and interests to exchange information and
assures a platform for the exchange of Arctic, Antarctic and
Cryospheric research, policy, and education activities that are
Shaping the Future of Polar Research - and our calls let you share
your research *LIVE* with people around the world!

For more information on the VPS – please go to:

-The APECS Virtual Poster Session Working Group & Marine Biology
Discipline Coordinators

Fwd: "Open Nottingham" bursaries for OSGIS 2011

Hi All,

Some info about the OpenSource GIS meeting in Nottingham that may be of interest


-------- Original Message --------
 Dear all,

As part of CGS's collaboration with "Open Nottingham" initiative, we are
pleased to announce 10 "Open Nottingham" bursaries for excellent
students to participate in OSGIS 2011. This is part of CGS strong
commitment to actively support, widen and promote Open Nottingham
initiative . More details of Open Nottingham at

The "Open Nottingham" bursaries will cover the cost of registration fees
to participate in OSGIS 2011 and are open for students from any UK
universities (both postgraduate and undergraduate) . Applicants should
email their one page CV and brief statement of their open source
work/interest to Suchith.Anand@nottingham.ac.uk
<mailto:Suchith.Anand@nottingham.ac.uk> with subject header "Open
Nottingham bursary application". The deadline for application is 30 May
2011. The winners will be notified on 3rd June 2011.

This year's OSGIS Keynote presentations are:

*"Open Nottingham- Knowledge without borders"* - Professor Christine
Ennew (Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Nottingham) & Prof. Wyn Morgan
(University of Nottingham)

*"The impact of open data, open source software and open standards on
the evolution of National SDIs"* -Professor Mike Jackson, Director,
Centre for Geospatial Science

OSGIS 2011 Keynote address - Professor Thierry Badard (Laval University,

*OGC-OSGeo Interoperability Day* (Organised by Tyler Mitchell, Executive
Director, Open Source Geospatial Foundation)

*OSGIS 2011 Workshops include*

# One Geology Workshop - (British Geological Survey)

# Geoserver Workshop - (GeoSolutions, Italy)

# Consuming and Publishing Ordnance Survey Open Data with Open Source
software Workshop - (Astun Technology, UK)

# WMS/QGIS Workshop - (Faunalia,UK)

# Open Gov Workshop - (Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of
Nottingham and Creative Commons)

# gvSIG Technology Sessions- gvSIG Association, Spain [As part of gvSIG
Day on 22nd June 2011]

More details at http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis11/os_home.html

We look forward to welcoming you for joining us in our vision and
mission on further building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open data

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand

Dr Suchith Anand//

Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building

University of Nottingham NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750


Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research
for bridging the digital divide

Friday, May 13, 2011

Quaternary Research Association Postgraduate Symposium

Potentially of interest...
The 16th Quaternary Research Association Postgraduate Symposium will be
held at the Department of Geography, Durham University, from 30th August -
1st September 2011. The conference provides an opportunity for
postgraduates to present their research and meet others in the field of
Quaternary science in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Full details can be found at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud
attempt from "exdurf.dur.ac.uk" claiming to be

The conference will be structured around four main themes:
palaeoglaciology, sea-level change, palaeoclimatology and
geoarchaeology/landscape evolution. Registration and abstract submission
are now open and will close on Friday 5th August.

Conference organisers:

Vicky Brown v.h.brown@durham.ac.uk
Ed Garrett edmund.garrett@durham.ac.uk

Thursday, May 12, 2011

UKPN Network Day: CHANGE of TIME

I would like to remind people of the upcoming UKPN Network Day. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF START TIME

Pleae RSVP to the emails below asap to facilitate last minute planning.


Amélie Kirchgaessner


UKPN Network Day

June 7th 2011, 13 – 19hr,

Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club,

Plymouth, UK


The UK Polar Network is going to hold another of its fun and successful Networking Days in Plymouth on June 7th at the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club.


This Networking Day is taking place in connection with the big Scott Centenary weekend commemorating the centenary of the British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition, 1910-13, led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott.


So join us for an exciting day with a slight “historical” touch for presentations and discussions around the scientific legacy of the expedition, the wealth of archives available for polar scientists in the UK, discover the work of UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, and last but not least, meet lots of other interesting early career scientists working in all areas of polar sciences.

We are very fortunate to have Douglas Russell from the Natural History Museum as key note speaker, and Ellen Bazeley-White the Archives Manager from the British Antarctic Survey, and Anna Malaos from the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust to tell us about their work and the resources it opens up for scientists.


Bring along a poster about your current research for the poster session, and be prepared for some fun when we are playing Polar Bingo!

As we have been informed the Polar Science Conference  on June 6th has now been cancelled but for those who are already in Plymouth in the morning we will arrange a trip to the National Marine Aquarium.


For more information and to register your interest in attending:

please contact a.jungblut_at_nhm.ac.uk or amelie.kirchgaessner_at_bas.ac.uk


Hope to see many of you there!





Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner

British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road



United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1223 221359

email : Amelie.Kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk



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UKPN Newsletter Winter/Spring 2011

Dear All,

*UK Polar Network Winter/Spring Newsletter*

Please find attached the Winter/Spring Newsletter from the UKPN covering a diverse range of topics including information on previous UKPN events, introductions to some new committee members and most importantly, the fantastic opportunities for you as UKPN members over the coming months.

You can also find lots of information on our website (www.polarnetwork.org) about events taking place during 2011 and if you have any questions or would like to take a more active role in UKPN please get in touch (com@polarnetwork.org).

Best wishes,

Aisling Dolan

UKPN Secretary

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reminder - Registration for Remote Sensing Summer school will close 26 May 2011

Reminder: Registration for the UKPN Remote Sensing summer school (see below) is currently open & will close on 26 May. 

Please note, accommodation & food are provided, but you will be expected to cover your own travel costs to & from Reading.

Remote Sensing for Polar Scientists, University of Reading, 20th – 22nd July 2011 

The UKPN, in partnership with the National Center for Earth Observation, the Earth Observation technology cluster, and ESA, are proud to present a 3 day summer school aimed at early doctoral students working in Polar or cryospheric remote sensing.

Modern remote sensing techniques have improved our understanding of the cryosphere, allowing for observation of large areas (e.g. the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, or the Antarctic Ice Sheet) and facilitating studies of glaciers in remote and/or rugged zones (e.g. Patagonia & the Himalaya). A staggering variety of Earth observation methods have been used to study the cryosphere, and research frontiers continue to press forward.

We aim to introduce a variety of new techniques to those at the beginning of their academic career. Sessions will include a mixture of lectures and practicals. Practical sessions will either be self led, with the day's speakers on hand to provide guidance, or led by demonstration. Planned sessions include: Satellite Remote Sensing of the Poles, including the Cryosat mission; Lidar Remote Sensing, Integrated modeling and Earth Observation & open source Remote Sensing & GIS tools.

Accommodation & food for participants is provided, but you are expected to cover your own travel costs to & from Reading, furthermore, each participant will be expected to present a post about their current research or recent work.

Places are limited to 25 people, so register early to avoid disappointment. Registration closes at midnight 26th May 2011. Successful applicants will receive an email confirming registration within 1 week of this date. 

To register for the summer school, please use the following link:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Interested in Co-convening a session at the IPY Montreal Conference ?

Dear UKPN,

Here is a great opportunity for you to gain some leadership experience... For those of you worried about funding, the UKPN is already working on getting support for people to travel to Montreal - so take a look!

The IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action Conference is the final event of International Polar Year 2007 - 2008, the largest international program of interdisciplinary polar research ever undertaken. This conference will provide an opportunity to apply and disseminate the knowledge and scientific results from IPY from around the world and focus on next steps. Participants will consider ways to translate those new understandings into policy that will guide activities in and enhance stewardship of the polar regions.

We are very happy to announce that APECS has been asked to nominate early career researchers to help co-chair/convene sessions at the IPY Montreal 2012 Conference. We encourage all young researchers (APECS members and non-members) to fill in their expression of interest - so feel free to pass this along to others you know.  Expressions of interest from non-North American young researchers are especially encouraged.

Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest is 17 May 2011. Expressions of Interest received after 17 May will not be considered. (Sorry but we are on a tight deadline here and wanted to give as many people this opportunity as possible)

Visit:  http://apecs.is/events/montreal2012 for more information.

We hope this will give a number of you a great opportunity to work with mentors and to get involved with International Polar Research.

What is a Session Convener / Chair:
Session Conveners, also called Chairs, are the people in charge of reviewing abstracts submitted for presentation in a session. Generally duties of a session chair include advertising the session to encourage abstract  submissions, working with co-conveners to determine which abstracts are given oral or poster presentations and if any are not acceptable for the session. The also are in charge of running the session at the conference which includes introducing the speakers, watching so presenters do not go over time, and facilitating question and answer sessions. For young researchers, this is a great chance to learn about the latest results in your research area, as well as meet many of the people working on topics of interest to you.  Its also a great leadership training exercise.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

FW: IPY Education and outreach catalogue

Hello all,


This catalogues might be come in useful when planning future E&O events.






To all those interested in Education, Outreach and Communication during the latest International Polar Year!

Since the close of the International Polar Year (IPY) in the June 2010, the IPY Education, Outreach and Communication (EOC) Assessment Project has been working to collect information on Education, Outreach and Communication projects that occurred during the 2007-2008 International Polar Year.  

We have now collected survey responses from more than 200 IPY EOC activities and have information on more than 500 education and outreach programs and activities. This includes large scale outreach involving internationally collaborations to IPY inspired classroom projects and activities. Thank you to all those who have taken the time and filled out our survey, your efforts are greatly appreciated and we have included the entries into our current catalogue of IPY EOC efforts, but we still missing activities from many areas, including South America.

Please take the time to look through the catalogue to see if your IPY EOC efforts have been recorded.  You can browse and search through the catalogue, allowing those interested in certain topics, target audiences, activities, certain countries etc. to narrow down the catalogue to what you are interested in.  If you find an error in an EOC activity that you were a part of please email ipy-outreach@apecs.is with the name of the project and the correction.  You can view and search the catalogue here: http://apecs.is/education-outreach/ipy-outreach-assessment/catalogue.  If you took part of the survey and requested a copy of the report, don't worry it is coming,  we are still working on this part of the project.

If you IPY EOC project is still not in our catalogue you can complete our online survey to make sure it is counted among this global inventory.  Go to online IPY EOC survey (http://apecs.is/outreach/2529-ipy-eoc-survey) here. 

This IPY EOC Assessment Project is an ICSU funded activity, lead by APECS in partnership with SCAR and IASC.  The project committee thanks everyone who has taken the time to input EOC records and complete surveys, and hopes that this project will help promote, record and archive all the EOC efforts that made IPY such a success.

If you have any questions, concerns, corrections please direct your email to ipy-outreach@apecs.is.

Jennifer Provencher
IPY Education, Outreach and Communication Assessment Project Coordinator
APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists)

Please visit the project website at apecs.is/education-outreach/ipy-outreach-assessment

To fill in our IPY Education and Outreach survey visit our survey page


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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

INTRAMIF Summer School "Science and Society", Monday 22 August 2011 to Friday 26 August 2011

Dear all,

With apologies for cross-posting, I'd like to let you know about a Summer School on the topic "Science and Society". It will be organised within the INTRAMIF project (INitial TRAining network in Mass Independent Fractionation ) at the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France from the 22nd to the 26th of August 2011.

Some of you might be interested to attend and for more information, please look at the following link:


Deadline for submission of applications is Friday 27 May 2011.


Emilie Capron

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